A Serious Question - At the beginning of your WAYALIFE...

The Wandering Jeeper

Caught the Bug
A question for the WAYALIFE family. Way back when for some of you and not so long ago for others, when you first entered the WAYALIFE/Jeep community and you were a newbie, what are 3 things that you wish that you had known before your first Jeep and/or trail? It may be something as simple as how to work the lockers, change the oil, or how to approach a rock to go over it.

Thank you for taking the time to answer this for me.
I'm still learning. My slow learning involves gradually steeper climbs and descents. One question I have is in a steep decent that I have to make a sharp turn at the bottom is... Should I be in 2w 4wh 4wl lockers on or off.
A question for the WAYALIFE family. Way back when for some of you and not so long ago for others, when you first entered the WAYALIFE/Jeep community and you were a newbie, what are 3 things that you wish that you had known before your first Jeep and/or trail? It may be something as simple as how to work the lockers, change the oil, or how to approach a rock to go over it.

Thank you for taking the time to answer this for me.

How much f'n money it was gonna take to make it more badass!:crazyeyes:
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I wish/want to know how to work on my jeep more. Just general tools and supplies to bring. I want to be able to know the ins and outs of it

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I wish I would have read more about the different model wranglers, I would have went with the rubi, o well now I have too build it like mobby. :eek::rolleyes:

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I wish I would have read more about the different model wranglers, I would have went with the rubi, o well now I have too build it like mobby. :eek::rolleyes:

Sent from my EVO using WAYALIFE mobile app

X2 on research. Oh we'll must build a better Jeep!
I know this is a matter of opinion, but I wish I would have watched more videos to realize how much more bad ass the 4 doors are lol. I spent a year with. 2012 2 door that I couldn't wait to trade in!
Would not of gone with the radius arm. Still would've went longarms though.

2011 JKU 3.5 R.E. Longarm lift.
I know this is a matter of opinion, but I wish I would have watched more videos to realize how much more bad ass the 4 doors are lol. I spent a year with. 2012 2 door that I couldn't wait to trade in!

Same here!!! I should of just waited a lil longer and got me a 4 door cargo space sucks in a 2 door lol
I can only think of two. And they are a bit advance. However, I really wish I had some formal education in welding and fabrication. I went to a vocational technical school for a while in high school and took a high performance engine building, machining, balancing, blue printing course for a few years. It was really cool, but little did I know the guys that took the welding/fabricating course were getting something much more practical. I know its not dealing with the meat and potatoes of "offroading", but think about how much more you could do to your build process, make it your own, save money, etc. Man I wish I could weld!
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i wish i would have known to buy a rubi, that "building" a sport is not as easy as it should be. other than that, i think that learning about your jeep is part of the WAYALIFE!!! Coming into the world of Jeeps with ko prior knowledge has been really fun learning the do and donts while still doing some of the donts!

andrew -
I wish I had known how hooked I was going to get. And how radical I was going to go with my Jeep, had I known that in advance I would have gotten a Base JKU instead of a Rubicon.
I wish I had a bit more knowledge on lifts, at what point you need to add different things to keep it riding nice, my old tj rode like crap because it was lifted beyond the point of good ride from short arms. It would be nice to have learned more about wrenching at a younger age, I would have liked to learn how to install gears and stuff, I plan to teach my kids as much as I can. I plan to buy an old jeep to rebuild with my son so we can both learn, I have good mechanical ability just need more knowledge. When we are done the jeep will be his.
And last I would have liked to have learned to save my money better so I had the money to do it once! And not to cheep out and wait till I could get the parts I really wanted.

If you don't push the limits how do you find them??
i wish i would have known to buy a rubi, that "building" a sport is not as easy as it should be. other than that, i think that learning about your jeep is part of the WAYALIFE!!! Coming into the world of Jeeps with ko prior knowledge has been really fun learning the do and donts while still doing some of the donts!

andrew -

Shit this is the truth for me to:doh:
I remember my first Jeep climb, major pucker factor, I tried to use the skinny pedal and brakes when in 4lo wish I woulda known that the Jeep does most of the work. Oh well little three wheeling action made for an interesting climb.

I also understand the sentiments of Rocky and Paychex. My first JK X was a 07 2-dr. Spent a lot of money and found myself wanting a 4-door Rubi...... Well I ditched my beloved two door and went with the 4-dr Rubi. Something I never would have expected though was how much fun, the great friends and the endless $$$ and time it would take. It's all worth it though!
I wished I would have known that my TJ was going to get stolen before the local news gave coverage about rash of wrangler thefts, ha....that jeep mods would be so addictive....and......that the Rubi stock size tires that looked so big when I bought them second hand are actually really puny, lol
I agree with paychex I wish I knew I was going to want to do as much to my jeep as I want to now. Never thought I would get this hooked and want a rubi so bad. Building up the sport does seem to limit you to a degree

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