Anything paranormal/abnormal/spiritual/ghosts/bizarre...etc.


Caught the Bug
Alright, spawned by the "sleep paralysis" thread of this morning I am creating this one. Consider it a place to discuss anything that falls under the realm of the above topics...or beyond (see what I did there? ;)).

Here is the post that kicked it off:

I just woke up from this crazy super duper sleep paralysis, dam was scary as fuck lol now I can't sleep, so who has ever had this? This is the 6 time that I had in this month.

I know that lots of people won't give a dam about this. O O

I know my English sucks lol

And the one that sparked this thread:

Well if you really want to know lol. Its a long story compiled of a number of incidents but for the sake of condensing it: For a while I was experiencing things in my house. Seeing black, man shaped shadows and just the "not alone" feeling. Yeh you could say it was just my imagination but I believe otherwise. Especially since I had a shared experience with my ex and it scared the absolute shit out of her to the point where we had to stay outside my house for an hour before she calmed down. I've always been into the supernatural and all so none of this really bothered me, in fact I found it fascinating and I kept my cool especially knowing that if it was something "evil" it would want to get a rise out of me and I believed it was judging by how it was manifesting itself. Anyway, to the sleep paralysis incident - one night while falling asleep I got that feeling of someone hovering over me. At one point I even felt slight pressure on my legs and shoulder like someone laying their hand on me. I ignored it and went to sleep. Now, I never sleep on my back - always stomach or side and I was on my side when I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night but it felt like I didn't fully wake up type thing. I was on my back, my hands were up on either side of my head and I couldn't move. I honestly felt like I was outside my body. I felt as if I was floating underneath it and I did make the conscious attempt to move even though it felt more like I was a spectator. I tried lifting my arms up but it felt like something was holding them down. Like I was able to get movement but very slight before I couldn't move them any higher. When I did this I also let out a breath like i was straining. It all seemed like me consciously doing it while at the same time I felt like I had no control of my body. It was one of the oddest experiences of my life. I knew i couldn't do much so I closed my eyes, or what felt like closing my eyes and went back to sleep and woke up the next morning still feeling very, very tired.

Unlike many of my threads that get derailed, I am going to ask that posts be kept on topic (looking at you Overlander). Specifically, I ask that this does not turn into a "where is your proof" "you are in idiot" type thread. I (and I assume others) just want to hear about people's experiences not listen to pontificating DBs. There are other threads for you.

Deja vu

Not certain that I fully believe in any type of precognition, but I sometimes cannot separate the "did I dream this prior to doing this" feeling. And more importantly I dream in exceptionally vivid color, always. So although this is not exactly paranormal, it may be abnormal since at least once a week I end up doing something I can almost feel I have dreamed of and I know it, just as its actually happening real time with spot on accuracy.
This should be interesting... I agree with MTG in that evidence is subjective, but hopefully there won't be a lot bullshitters posting up what they just watched on ghost hunters. May even post up a few "unexplainable" tidbits myself and let you all decide where they fall.
I absolutely believe in some sort of paranormal or super natural activity. Being a man of faith the bible speaks of angles and demons that walk among us. Sometimes in human form and sometime in others. Science does not always have an explanation for everything that we experience in life. I think every one of us has had an experience that we can not explain. Great thread idea MTG.
First off thanks for starting the thread. As a bedrock for explaining my experiences I'll first discuss what it is I believe. Now as you said, I'm not here to tell anyone what to believe, this is all very subjective. But as I have grown and matured and going to catholic school my entire life and growing up going to church I feel I have explored both sides of the story enough to form my own belief system. First and foremost I do not believe in organized religion. I won't go into my reasoning because I'm not here to insult anyone. I separate god from religion and I think that its definitely possible that there is a god, though I lean slightly toward not believing there is one. Also if there is one i believe he/she/it is unlike anything we are told and nothing we can perceive. I also separate an afterlife from god. I believe we are celestial beings, that we have a metaphysical form or a "soul" and that we are being of the multi-verse. I believe there are many universes and dimensions we can cannot perceive in our physical state and that "ghosts" and "spirits" are other beings moving between the universes. I will give another one of my experiences when I get a chance, I'm at work atm lol but thanks for reading
Although not a ghost/spirit junkie, I did take a tour of one of local haunted motels, the Cresent in Eureka Springs, AR. Think the ghost hunters have done a few shows from there. If your an avid skeptic everything might be explainable in some form, however it can take one from thinking there is a slight possibility to belief in no time!!! A lot of fun if anyone gets the opportunity to make the trip.
Not certain that I fully believe in any type of precognition, but I sometimes cannot separate the "did I dream this prior to doing this" feeling. And more importantly I dream in exceptionally vivid color, always. So although this is not exactly paranormal, it may be abnormal since at least once a week I end up doing something I can almost feel I have dreamed of and I know it, just as its actually happening real time with spot on accuracy.

This is almost exactly what I would have written if you hadn't already. I have almost the same experiences.

My dreams are long, clear as can be, and in living color. Sometimes I am my self and the dream involves me and sometimes I'm a bystander watching the action almost like a movie.

One more thing. I often hear sounds/noises in my house. It's a new house (9 yrs) that I built, so I know there's no bad history with it, but sometimes I hear a sound and get that feeling that someone is there (if you've never experienced it, you won't understand), but there is no one else around.
One night while sitting on the lanai (back screened in porch for you Northerners) enjoying some alone quiet time, listening to the radio without any lights on except for the dim light from inside the house when I heard the hardwood floor creak like my wife was coming out the open sliders, but she wasn't there. I waited a few seconds and heard another noise and then saw what looked like a mist or a cloud floating by the open sliding doors. I picked up my phone and snapped a pic in the direction of the sound.

Ghost 1 med .jpg

area enlarged. See the face and "whatever"
Ghost 1 face med .jpg

it's much clearer when looking at the big phone pic on the computer.
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My wife and I had an unexplained occurrence while in the poconos about 12 years ago. We were staying at one of the resorts for our honeymoon, and it was the fancy room with the glass tub, and an in room pool. The pool room was glassed off from the rest of the room, and had mirrors on the wall. You could see into the main part of the room though through the glass windows. Anyway we had just got back from hiking bushkill falls and decided to relax in the pool. We were in the pool and about 5-6' apart when we both caught something out of the corner of our eye. Something moved across the living room area, and both of us saw it at the same time. I don't know what it was, and we never saw it again. The other weird thing was the fireplace seemed to always make noises. Nothing crazy or weird just once in a while a clank or low moan. That started before the shadow movement, and continued off and on all weekend. Needless to say it was weird and we still talk about it once in a while.

There is a house out here in Colorado Springs, in Black Forest actually that's supposed to be haunted. Hopi Indians say its on some vortex between worlds, but the owner believes the government is behind the weirdness there. Kinda interesting, I know there are lots of stories about hauntings around Colorado Springs, especially in the older areas where the ran gold mines or trains, and the older homes/hotels from the turn of the 20th century.

I had a buddy in high school who swore he had a strange encounter in Gettysburg one late afternoon. It was during a re-enactment, and he said a union soldier appeared walking towards him, handed him a few bullets and kept walking. He turned to say thanks, and that these look really old, and the guy was gone. I never saw the bullets, but I don't doubt what he said, as he was a close friend, and never had a reason to make it up.
This is almost exactly what I would have written if you hadn't already. I have almost the same experiences.

My dreams are long, clear as can be, and in living color. Sometimes I am my self and the dream involves me and sometimes I'm a bystander watching the action almost like a movie.

One more thing. I often hear sounds/noises in my house. It's a new house (9 yrs) that I built, so I know there's no bad history with it, but sometimes I hear a sound and get that feeling that someone is there (if you've never experienced it, you won't understand), but there is no one else around.
One night while sitting on the lanai (back screened in porch for you Northerners) enjoying some alone quiet time, listening to the radio without any lights on except for the dim light from inside the house when I heard the hardwood floor creak like my wife was coming out the open sliders, but she wasn't there. I waited a few seconds and heard another noise and then saw what looked like a mist or a cloud floating by the open sliding doors. I picked up my phone and snapped a pic in the direction of the sound.

View attachment 50621

area enlarged. See the face and "whatever"
View attachment 50620

it's much clearer when looking at the big phone pic on the computer.

Wow.... Yes I see what your talking about for sure.

Has anyone ever had dreams that at some point a certain part comes true? Like for instance you dream about talking to someone about something. It's vivid, and you don't remember it when you wake but then weeks/months later that conversation occurs, and you get the dejavu feeling, and then realize you dreamed it months ago? It use to happen more often when I was a kid, but it occurs once in a while now. Nothing weird, kinda cool actually.
Wow.... Yes I see what your talking about for sure.

Has anyone ever had dreams that at some point a certain part comes true? Like for instance you dream about talking to someone about something. It's vivid, and you don't remember it when you wake but then weeks/months later that conversation occurs, and you get the dejavu feeling, and then realize you dreamed it months ago? It use to happen more often when I was a kid, but it occurs once in a while now. Nothing weird, kinda cool actually.

I've had such intense déjà vu that I've called out, well said to myself in my head, what was going to happen next
Ok, so here is one experience I've had in my house, this one was shared with my ex so for anyone who thinks it my imagination, imaginations aren't shared. My ex and I were alone in my house, she was sitting on the couch watching TV in the living on the main floor while I was upstairs in my room. I need to give you a bit of a layout of my house so bare with me - the living room she was in is right next to the kitchen. There is a small hallway between them going to The dining room which is next to the living room but separated with a wall. There is another smaller living room next to the dining room with no wall in between which is next to the foyer and front door. Off of the little hallway is the laundry closet and a half bath while a wall runs down the middle of the house where the stairs are to get downstairs. Should've just taken a picture lol. Anyway, I'm upstairs and I here her saying my name and talking but she wasn't yelling or anything like to reach me so I was like who the hell is she talking to? I went downstairs to ask and she said you. I said I was upstairs. She said weren't you standing right there? (The little hallway in front of the laundry closet) I said no and she said she saw someone standing there. I walked to see if there was anyone in the house and as i looked down the hallway toward the front door, which is white, I saw a black silhouette/shadow run across the face of the front door toward the stairs going upstairs. I ran after it and heard it run up the stairs into the room a over the foyer and it walked back and forth, pacing in the room. We listened to the floorboards moving and my ex freaked out and we had to stay outside for like an hour. Now this was the second time I had seen that apparition.
I've had such intense déjà vu that I've called out, well said to myself in my head, what was going to happen next

I used to have this happen to me a LOT when I was younger(probably at least once a week). Actually used to freak me out were I thought something was seriously wrong with me. As I've gotten older these events occurred a lot less frequently. But every once in a while something happens that brings all this back.

Had one event in particular about 5 years ago with my wife at the time that freaked us both out. We were driving up north and she had reached into the back seat to grab something(no idea what). As she was doing that I had come to the point were I was starting to realize what was happening and had an extreme sense of deja vu to the point were I was sure and could see in my head what was about to happen. I literally screamed at her to sit back down and put her seatbelt on. It wasn't 10 sec after she was securely in place some asshole pulled out in front of us to the point I had to slam on the breaks and slid into a ditch to avoid rear-ending him.

Now granted this was by far the most extreme case of what I can only describe as "EXTREME Deja vu" I've had. But it was all I really needed to believe there is something else more in control of this world besides ourselves.
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Look up hayswood hospital in maysville Kentucky....we use to go in there a lot as teenagers. It was illegal because it was condemned. I've a couple experiences in it. One was a laugh out of the elevator shaft on the floor the fire started and another one was we walked in the second floor and a stretcher was blocking the door way. We pushed it to the side and went on, when we came back to the door it was stood up and wedged into the door way. The YouTube video is fake with the face in the window but the day time videos are cool

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Well as a fun fact, Staten Island, where I live, is actually one of the most haunted places in the US. There's a whole book about the hotspots. I haven't physically gone in one yet but I pass some all the time. I find it all fascinating. Makes the world seem more exciting.
Few months ago my wife and i were in a Mc Donalds in Manahawkin ,NJ parking lot mid afternoon eating something .This particular MD"s has an extra parking lot in the back to accomodate the summer surge coming out of LBI and it is surrounded by thick woods all around except the main entrance/exit we could both clearly see from where we were.
All of a sudden a midsize blue car with 2 people in it,drive by us rather fast and go into the lot(I could not see the end of the lot from where we were unless we pull up 20 feet).
My first thought was,these guys didn't buy anything and now they are back there,maybe they were smoking weed or something.just as I finished talking to my wife about what these guys could possible be doing there (30 seconds later),I pulled up to the main entrance and we were jaw dropped when the car wasn't there.i drove into the lot and the woods around were so thick you couldn't get a dirt bike through.
we both saw this car vanished into the parking lot.
All along my eyes were pointed at that entrance and there's no way these guys made a u turn and came out without being seen,at least my wife was there to witness this weird experience with me.:eek:
I've found in my experience that there is familial connections. Meaning that others in my immediate and extended family also have/had experienced similar "unexplained things" during childhood or adulthood. Not sure if anything to that but is true in my case? My mother and several members on my mothers side of the family have had the ability to see thing beyond explanation. It's not a regular or ongoing thing. But sporadic things over the years and lifetimes.

There are a lot of people that claim to talk to/see the dead, etc, etc. Most are BSrs and some have shared how they manipulate people for negative purposes. Thus the many skeptics with reason to be so. But, I believe there are those that can/do connect with lost souls.
I've found in my experience that there is familial connections. Meaning that others in my immediate and extended family also have/had experienced similar "unexplained things" during childhood or adulthood. Not sure if anything to that but is true in my case? My mother and several members on my mothers side of the family have had the ability to see thing beyond explanation. It's not a regular or ongoing thing. But sporadic things over the years and lifetimes.

There are a lot of people that claim to talk to/see the dead, etc, etc. Most are BSrs and some have shared how they manipulate people for negative purposes. Thus the many skeptics with reason to be so. But, I believe there are those that can/do connect with lost souls.

I agree. I think we all have the ability to interact with "the other side" if you will. Some are more sensitive to it than others but I think we are all connected in some way by, I guess you could call it a life force?
Another experience of mine was a dream, a very intense dream. It was a little while after my Nana had died (mother's mother). My mom, my aunt, and my grandfather had said they had dreams vivid dreams of her. My aunt told me she had a dream that she was waiting with me and my brother at my bus stop for elementary school back by our old house - she used to do this from time to time before work. So she was waiting with us and my Nana walked up the block to say hello. My aunt said she asked her how everything was and all and she responded with everything is ok, but I can't stay. Now, sometime later I had my dream - I was in the new house playing a computer game in the computer room which is first door on right at top of stairs. The door is open so I can see down the hallway and my Nana walks out of my bathroom which is on the other side of the stairs into the hallway. Now the really weird thing was in my dream I knew she was dead so I legitimately was seeing a ghost, well it felt like it. I screamed out to her, and I got pulled out of my seat toward her and we were both at the top of the stairs. She looked at me and said " I can't stay" then I was pushed around to face downstairs and I started to fall. At the bottom of the stairs was my mom, staring out the window on the landing like a zombie. I fell toward her and woke up. I woke up breathing heavily and almost gasping for air and I was sweating quite a bit.
Wow! Got busy with work and just had a chance to read all the stories. Keep them coming!

Question for those with the Deja vu or dreams that later come true...while this is happening do you try take actions to try to change the outcome of the events that you either feel have already happened (deja vu) or that you dreamed about or do you just let the events unfold as is?
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