What's In the Box?


Caught the Bug
This one is unique enough, I thought it worth throwing out there.

I'll provide a couple clues:

* Installs forward of the A-pillar
* Not a suspension component
* Not made by ARB

Whats in da box.jpg
Reasonable guesses, the size is about right, but no, no illumination provided. At least not by design ;).

Another clue: It (singular) is electromechanical. So I guess that's 2 clues in 1.
This is a great idea for a thread. Since you said electromechanical, I'm guessing an air compressor.
This is a great idea for a thread. Since you said electromechanical, I'm guessing an air compressor.

It is an integral component. I asked this in one of my other groups...you're by far the warmest. Now, ask yourself, what might I use a compressor for?
Lockers powertools air up tires blow up doll

Ha! The size is appropriate for blowing up your doll, but not in it's current configuration.

Ok, next two clues: out of the white box, packaging dimensions are roughly 5" x 8" x 3.5". It is not intended to be mounted in a fashion externally visible.


Oh, nothing to do with lockers. That's 3.
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