Recent content by Lperdue

  1. Lperdue

    Random (non-Jeep) Shit You’re Working On....

    Agreed the dishwasher came with the house when it was built “contractor grade” lol cheapest thing they could find to be honest.
  2. Lperdue

    Random (non-Jeep) Shit You’re Working On....

    Not sure what you mean it’s a regular 120v plug and 120 outlet. I just noticed I was backwards and figured it was the case since the others circuit board was fried.
  3. Lperdue

    Random (non-Jeep) Shit You’re Working On....

    Replaced the dishwasher since its circuit board burned out. Apparently the person who installed the original is either dumb, can’t read, or just didn’t care. Because they mismatched the white and black wires when it was installed.
  4. Lperdue

    Random (non-Jeep) Shit You’re Working On....

    That looks awesome.
  5. Lperdue

    All eight EVO JT control arms (Sold)

    Let me know, because I do have them listed locally.
  6. Lperdue

    All eight EVO JT control arms (Sold)

    lol lol if you want them, they could be yours.
  7. Lperdue

    All eight EVO JT control arms (Sold)

    EVO control arms all of the Johnny joints have been rebuilt. Asking price 675. A new set will run you $2005. Trying to down size due to us moving this summer and want to give someone a good deal.
  8. Lperdue

    Fire in California Saw this earlier today.
  9. Lperdue

    Fire in California

    Glad to hear your safe.
  10. Lperdue


    it was great seeing everyone again this year. Thanks again Cindy and Eddie for putting this together.
  11. Lperdue

    ✌️ from Arkansas!

    Welcome from Las Vegas NV!
  12. Lperdue

    WTF - Just to LOOK at a House???

    What if the seller wants to have an open house? Will they make any random person that shows up sign the contract too? Seems pretty stupid.
  13. Lperdue

    As if things couldn't get any worse 🤪

    Just saw this. Happy you was able to get everything sorted out.
  14. Lperdue


    Thanks, and happy thanksgiving and safe travels for those of us visiting family.
  15. Lperdue


    Definitely count me in. I am Larry and if everything lines up I may even be able bring the kiddo and Jaela this year. I will be in my 2020 Jeep gladiator
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