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  1. gmanmp

    Real advise on 37's

    So I have researched a lot of info about the negatives of going to 37's. I would like some real world advise from the WOL forum. Most of the articles are against it with the Dana 30; however, I am more interested in the Dana 44 that is stock on Rubi. I do have 4.10's and think I could live...
  2. gmanmp


    All, Hope no one on here is affiliated with JEEPFREEKS on Facebook. Customer service sucks and i believe they may be a scam vendor (selling T-shirts). I made an online order in July, didn't write down my order number as I expected it would be emailed, like all companies do. I didn't receive...
  3. gmanmp

    Wave from West Virginia

    Hello from the Mountain State. New here to the WAL forums and a new JKU owner. I previously owned a XJ that had too many mods to list (6" lift (Rusty's), Weld wheels, roof rack). I was living in southern AZ at the time. Sand Dunes! Glammis! Fast forward 14 years....just sold my dodge diesel...
  4. gmanmp

    Waterproofing the seat wiring harness

    So I have been running the JKU topless and doorless. Have been hitting the trails pretty hard every weekend and have much mud built up on the door jams. I have removed all carpet and can pull the plugs/drains if needed. I want to power wash the door jams but worried about the electrical...
  5. gmanmp

    WV Trail riding

    Well unfortunately, i was unable to load the go-pro video as the file extension wasn't supported here. ( and the compressed, .ZIP file was too large) so here are a few still shots from our last weekend of riding. We experienced many creek crossings, traversed up steep ridge lines , hit a few...
  6. gmanmp

    JK Emergency Brake adjustment help

    Good Day, So I spent about 4 hours yesterday trying to adjust the emergency brake. (for reference, its a 2014 JKUR-X/manual). Removed wheels, calipers (had to disconnect rear sway to get to the lower caliper mounting bolts) and lastly removed rotors. Then used a brake spoon to turn the...
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