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  1. W

    Kill it With Fire

    Another day in Florida
  2. W

    Chicken Coops

    The trick is to give them names like Kung Pao, Vesuvio, Marsala, etc. This is my FIL’s setup:
  3. W

    What did Brown Santa show up with today..

    Part of on-board-air setup arrived.
  4. W

    LOD bumper

    I know op wasn’t asking about the stubby, but mine came in yesterday. Fit/finish is perfect. No pictures during the install because I’m terrible about that.
  5. W

    Jeep dogs!!!

  6. W

    Another PNW Wave

    Hello from Washington, I’ve been lurking off and on for a bit, but I have a newborn now and am finding myself here more and more often in the middle of the night. Figured it was about time I said hello. Found this place the same way a lot of people did, by watching Wayalife videos on YouTube...
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