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  1. Traciehue

    Random Photos

    Here comes the newest crop of freeloaders.
  2. Traciehue

    Cocktail Hour

    Today’s special-Blackberry Lemon Gin and Tonic. Raising a glass to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. 🇺🇸
  3. Traciehue

    Random Photos

    I named him Peanut!
  4. Traciehue


    My husband just ordered a pimp outfit-now I know why.
  5. Traciehue

    Cocktail Hour

    Not sure why it’s called Bears, Beets, & Battlestar Glactica but it’s delicious!
  6. Traciehue

    Suds of the Day

    It’s in the north part of Culpeper County. About 4 miles south of Hwy 211.
  7. Traciehue

    Suds of the Day

    Spicy tuna with a prawn chip and seaweed salad
  8. Traciehue

    Suds of the Day

    With Butter poached lobster
  9. Traciehue

    Please Welcome WARN to WAYALIFE

    Welcome to Wayalife! Wouldn't own anything but a Warn.
  10. Traciehue

    Please Welcome FACTOR 55 to WAYALIFE

    Welcome! Love your products!
  11. Traciehue

    Northern Lights

  12. Traciehue

    Random Photos

    I am so sorry. They are together again watching over you both. 😢
  13. Traciehue

    Rattlesnake Bite Questions

    The snake proofing place had live snakes in cages along a trail. Shock collar on the dog. Everytime he got curious about the snake they shocked him. The dog then associates the smell and sound with a shock. It was a low level shock but more than enough for him. Some dogs take more than one trip...
  14. Traciehue

    Random Photos

    We have about four of them in our yard. Our neighborhood was a game preserve and is mostly trees, so they have plenty of nesting spots and food. We had them in Tennessee but rarely saw them. It’s a daily occurrence here.
  15. Traciehue

    Random Photos

    Two more of the freeloaders we feed around here.
  16. Traciehue

    Cocktail Hour

    Those were so good!
  17. Traciehue

    Desert Tortoise

    I am always stopping in the spring to move these guys off the road. Silly things are hellbent on crossing busy roads.
  18. Traciehue

    HIGHLIGHTS from the 2024 WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust

    The Wanderlust was awesome! We‘ve been eating chicken and veggies since we got home.
  19. Traciehue

    HIGHLIGHTS from the 2024 WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust

    Incredible trip and so much fun. Thanks again to You both for all your hard work and planning. It was a trip to remember.
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