Sequoia National Park


New member
Trying to plan a trip to Sequoia in a couple weeks. Not sure if we will be with Jeep or family suv.
Are there any MUST SEE attractions we should schedule in? We will have 4yr old and 18mos old boys with us.
How is the weather this time of year?


New member
Right now it is probably a little on the hot side but weather should stay nice and clear. Everything is in a serious drought right now so allergies may be up due to all the dust in the air. I am not sure of any must see attractions though, I am much mure familiar with el dorado national forest and the rubicon trail. Hope this helps a little.


New member
If you have never been there be prepared to be amazed! Of course General Sherman, largest living single stem tree on Earth. SIMPLY AMAZING!


New member
Up by General Sherman there are a few trails. I've never been on any of them. Not enough time to go off-roading if you enjoy all the sights. Of course there must be some great stuff you can get to by trail.


I'll be heading to Kings Canyon this weekend for some camping, depending on the fire status. Cant wait to check out some of the places you all mentioned!


New member
If your heading to kings canyon that's where Moro Rock, and Crystal cave are. I stay at Potwisha, I believe it's the third camp up. Three rivers area. Great trout fishing in that area.


New member
if you like to fish and dont mind the hike go up into the Golden Trout wilderness it's a beautiful place and to catch a golden trout is amazing!!! I have not been up there since I was 13 I want to go back!


Check out the High Sierra Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Jeeps that are transporting gear out at Kings:

"In addition to the Sierra National Forest mule pack string, which is helping to aid firefighters in the John Muir Wilderness, the Forest is providing assistance utilizing equipment and personnel from their High Sierra Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Program.

By using the specialized Jeeps modified with lift kits, lower gearing, 35” tires and rugged trailers with 33” tires the OHV crew has been able to transport approximately 50 loads of fuel, hose, pumps and other needed materials up to 5 miles from drop points over rough terrain. The ATVs have been used for patrolling many miles of fire line looking for spot fires."



New member
Thank you everyone for the info. But as it turns out, my wife is paranoid about the current forest fire happening.
So, she suggested we go to Moab-Arches National Park. Honestly, I'm pretty excited about her suggestion. I've always wanted to go to Moab. And she said we must take the Jeep.
Again, thanks everyone.
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