Mud Grapplers and snow


New member
Anybody have any experience with mud grapplers and snow? I like what I've seen with the offroad capabilities of the mud grapplers but would like to know how they are in snow on the road.

any thoughts are great.


Anybody have any experience with mud grapplers and snow? I like what I've seen with the offroad capabilities of the mud grapplers but would like to know how they are in snow on the road.

any thoughts are great.



Actually, they do surprisingly well for a tire with so much physical rubber on the ground.
I was pretty surprised with them, I lived in Wisconsin my whole life up until recently and i never had any problems at all on snow, Ice was about the only thing they feared. We usually had wet heavy snow the last few years wich is pretty similar to mud imo. Mud they also were phenomonal, but im not to sure im sold on there rock performance yet.
Mud they also were phenomonal, but im not to sure im sold on there rock performance yet.

Interesting that you would say this. I've always found them to be exceptional on the rocks and have seen them claw their way through extreme terrain using their shoulder lugs alone. If anything, I had my doubts about them in the mud but, found them to work quite well during our run out in Red Bird, IN a couple of years back.
Interesting that you would say this. I've always found them to be exceptional on the rocks and have seen them claw their way through extreme terrain using their shoulder lugs alone. If anything, I had my doubts about them in the mud but, found them to work quite well during our run out in Red Bird, IN a couple of years back.

Yeah we had lots of mud in wisco and i was always surprised, but out here in the rocks in new mexico they do well, but ive seen my buddies on other tires seem to grip better. Some of them are even on lighter rigs. I agree the sidewall lugs help a ton though. Im no knocking them at all they are very durable and in some areas ive seen bias pitbulls shred sidewalls where ive never had a problem. Could just be my luck though :fingerscrossed:
They do very well in snow and really anything else. The only issue for me at least has been the snow that's been packed down by other cars and it becomes ice as long as your barely on the skinny petal they do just fine but if you start to spin tires then it will slide. Other than the ice they are awesome
I love them in the snow!! Since they self clean I always seem to have traction even when I punch it.

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This is my second New England winter with Mud Grapplers installed and they have performed great in the snow. Last year we had a storm that dumped over two feet on us and I barreled through hilly-unplowed roads for two days straight without the slightest issue.
I am thinking about a set for my rig. Great to hear they do well in the snow. What kinda wear are you guys getting? I am hopping at least 40-45k
I am thinking about a set for my rig. Great to hear they do well in the snow. What kinda wear are you guys getting? I am hopping at least 40-45k

I have had mine on for about 15 months and have put about 15-20,000 miles on them. I haven't measured, but after a quick comparison with my new spare, I would say that I have about 50-60% tread remaining on them.

They are wearing a lot better than I thought they would for such an aggressive mud terrain tire.
You'll get a lot better mileage out of them on a 2 door then a 4 door. That being said if you want a longer lasting tire get the trail grappler.

I just don't want to buy again after say 25-30k. I am torn between the two but I like the look of the MUDs more.
Cool. That being said I can see me wanting to go from 35's to 37's so it might not be a big deal in the long run.
The mud grapplers seem to do every bit as good as the trail grapplers im now running in the snow. Its that ice where the trail grapplers seem to have a little more bite.
Got about 45 k out of the mud grapplers before retiring them.
Running the trail grapplers now but wish I would have got muds again.
But with the 37 trail grapplers I did manage to get 18.2 mpg from kentucky to utah last time I drove the trip.
Fixing to drive it again in january and see if I get similar results. Never broke 16 with the muds.
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