Thanks to our female member Army_Vet

That's funny right there! I will assure you his profile was not changed until sometime after he made that post last night.

That fact that he doesn't have the balls to man up to what he has done and walk away from this all shows what kind of person he is.

This is true. For claiming to be a man, it takes a stronger man to apologize and admit a wrong, than to go out trying to hold dignity. A half-baked apology of some type, if even that. He is not the man he claims. Then to lie and say he is not PMing, when proof shows otherwise.
Imagine that. :rolleyes2:

If it helps you to sleep better at night believing this, more power to you. :crazyeyes:
I don't Fawking know what you guys can do with this computer shite it seem like you can control just about everything on here. I don't know just a thought.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app
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I don't Fawking know what you guys can do with this computer shite it seem like you can control just about everything on here. I don't know just a thought.

But why would you even go to the trouble of thinking that in the first place? Do you really see your friend as being such a victim here that the only way something like that could happen is if one of us were up to no good? Honestly, that's pretty sad.
I honesty thought they would f with him some more just for the fun of it.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app
I honesty thought they would f with him some more just for the fun of it.

Well, you thought wrong now didn't you? As you've seen, GCM 2 had come on here as proof that he was at least one recipient of your friend's PM's this morning. How does it make you feel knowing that your friend lied to you?
I really feel fine he did say about talking to him just not when. Im ok with that.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app
I really feel fine he did say about talking to him just not when. Im ok with that.

Funny, I thought you said, and I quote...

"one of the mods are probably changing the time for his log on because he hasn't been on since he made his last post."

Hmmm, let's see when your friend made his last post - Looks like 6:35 PM, yesterday. Need proof? Check his profile or click on the link below:

Of course, I'm sure you're the kind of guy who would believe that we changed things just so that we could "f with him some more just for the fun of it" rather than believe you've been LIED to. :naw:
I honesty thought they would f with him some more just for the fun of it.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app

It wouldn't have been necessary (even if it was possible.) Sometimes, all you gotta do in life is give people some rope.
(((((((((TACKERDOWN))))))))......snap...snap......Hey buddy........over attention for just a second (stop chasing the squirrel)....LISTEN....your friend is out of here ...he's not coming back......he asked and received some guidance on what he should do to fix what he broke from two of the most respected people on here Eddie and Greg and he chose to ignore their advice and got what he had coming to him......don't keep dragging this shit on.....let it go or you will end up joining him....for someone with 4000+ posts you should know better.....Enough is enough!

Situationally appropriate

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(((((((((TACKERDOWN))))))))......snap...snap......Hey buddy........over attention for just a second (stop chasing the squirrel)....LISTEN....your friend is out of here ...he's not coming back......he asked and received some guidance on what he should do to fix what he broke from two of the most respected people on here Eddie and Greg and he chose to ignore their advice and got what he had coming to him......don't keep dragging this shit on.....let it go or you will end up joining him....for someone with 4000+ posts you should know better.....Enough is enough!

Situationally appropriate


^^Now that is funny stuff right there^^

Woody I'm buying you a beer if you come to so cal!
two of the most respected people on here Eddie and Greg !


Whoa, whoa, whoa......I have been called many things, but respected? That is just going to low. Do you know how many of my post are geared towards being the assclown of the group? Well let me just say its probably more than I care to admit, so its probably at least 28. You just take this so called "respected" thing and put it on a floppy disc for your records and send a copy to your lawyer, because I am getting litigious on this matter. I am suing everyone in this thread for my character mischaracterization and such and squid pro go and henceforth. Good day sir!
Whoa, whoa, whoa......I have been called many things, but respected? That is just going to low. Do you know how many of my post are geared towards being the assclown of the group? Well let me just say its probably more than I care to admit, so its probably at least 28. You just take this so called "respected" thing and put it on a floppy disc for your records and send a copy to your lawyer, because I am getting litigious on this matter. I am suing everyone in this thread for my character mischaracterization and such and squid pro go and henceforth. Good day sir!

That's ludacrispy! I'll have you know my neighbors uncle's cousins friend's kindergarten school teachers auntie's play cousin is Larry H Parker Esq and you sir, will be hearing from my lawyer! I don't care what you say. I WILL respect you and you WILL like it. So shush your mouth, shush shush your mouth you sound really stupid right now.
Well Eddie I'm sure it will sadden you :crazyeyes: But I will side with my friend as I'm sure you would:yup:
:grouphug: and will let this dye. As you said and I quote is this sillyness still going on. I wont :taunt: the guys that don't have the time for this yet spend there time doing it.:shock: :standing wave: good day. And guys don't reply to this you said it yourselves you don't need to was't your time. JUST LET IT DYE HERE:cheesy::naw:
Well Eddie I'm sure it will sadden you :crazyeyes: But I will side with my friend as I'm sure you would:yup:

You'll forgive me but, I am NOT you and unlike you, if a friend of mine lied to me, I would call them out on it. If my friends can't be men of their word, they are no friend of mine. Of course, that's just me.

:grouphug: and will let this dye. As you said and I quote is this sillyness still going on. I wont :taunt: the guys that don't have the time for this yet spend there time doing it.:shock: :standing wave: good day. And guys don't reply to this you said it yourselves you don't need to was't your time. JUST LET IT DYE HERE:cheesy::naw:

And yet, you still felt the need to publically make this post and revive this thread even though it could have just as easily been sent to me by PM. Of course, as stupid as all this is, I'm all to happy to keep it going and going for as long as you want. All it does is show your friend for the kind of girl he really is.
Is that it? I see you're modifying your password, you just here to make a final hit and run before picking up your toys and going home?


Really, I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise being that you would call someone with no integrity like Army_Vet your friend. :naw:
Well Eddie I'm sure it will sadden you :crazyeyes: But I will side with my friend as I'm sure you would:yup:
:grouphug: and will let this dye. As you said and I quote is this sillyness still going on. I wont :taunt: the guys that don't have the time for this yet spend there time doing it.:shock: :standing wave: good day. And guys don't reply to this you said it yourselves you don't need to was't your time. JUST LET IT DYE HERE:cheesy::naw:
Well Tackerdown, I'm sure not a single tear will be shed for you. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
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