If you like it.....Then you better put a ring on it!


New member
I just wanted to start a classy and respectful thread for everyone to show off the love of their lives. Please feel free to post up pics/videos/stories of you and your better half's engagement or marriage story!

I am pleased to say and share with the WAL crew, that as of Saturday, I am one step closer to joining the happily married gentlemen.

From Kim's Facebook post(She's better at explaining things that I am anyway): Chris had the cutest engagement plan ever, he gave me a key as we entered the OC fair (this is where we had our very first date) and told me that someone gave it to him at the entrance and there was a box we had to look for like a scavenger hunt. We would then have to try our key and see if we won a big prize. Later on, right before we were about to leave, he went to get us funnel cakes, but didn't come back for 10minutes. He called me and said that he found one of his Jeep friends and to come to him so I could say hi and meet them. When I got in front of the Ferris wheel, where he and his friend was supposed to be, there it was...a BOX that says try your key for a chance to win. I opened the huge box and thought I won some grand prize, and turns out I won something even bigger! It was him inside the box on his knees with a ring. Of course, I said YES! :)

Oh, there's the box that we were supposed to be looking for!


One of the OC fair workers was nice enough to help and make it look official


She then called me saying "where are you? I found the box!" and I reply "oh Im about 2 more rides down, go ahead without me, it's not like we will win or anything!"


Her giving the key from earlier in the day a try in the lock!


....and inside I was!


Needless to say, she was very surprised...and luckily for me, she said yes!



Hugging her oldest sister.


Fireworks going off at the same time.


The main illuminated ferris wheel that I had to proposal and box in front of.




Luckily she loved the ring!


Her two youngest siblings(of 5 children) that we took with us.

Congrats Chris! super happy for you two! i almost started a thread for you yesterday after seeing it on facebook but decided agaisnt it.
That is very cool. Congrats to you and your soon to be wife! Good thing you already have a four door.... :D

2014 JKUR
Congrats Man!! Best decision I ever made. My wife is amazing and the best mom I've ever seen. Married life is a big upgrade!
Congrats Chris! super happy for you two! i almost started a thread for you yesterday after seeing it on facebook but decided agaisnt it.

Congrats man.

Nice job Chris! Congrats! :thumb:

Very unique. Congrats to the both of you.

LOL!! Congratulations my friend :clap2: :thumb:

Congrats Chris. :thumb:

Congrats ...,

Congratulations :beer:

Thanks guys! Planning and setting everything up, without her finding out, everything has made for a VERY busy past week to say the least!

We just celebrated 15 wonderful years last week. Despite what "you know who" will say, being married is fantastic!
Congrats Chris! super happy for you two! i almost started a thread for you yesterday after seeing it on facebook but decided agaisnt it.

Thanks! I actually went on to my build thread to see if the cat happened to be let out of the bag on here yet :cheesy:

That is very cool. Congrats to you and your soon to be wife! Good thing you already have a four door.... :D

You aint kiddin! in the 48 hours of engagement so far she's already picked out a date, talked to a church and found an opening, and is talking about when we will start trying for our first kid :crazyeyes: :drowninga: :broke:

Congrats Man!! Best decision I ever made. My wife is amazing and the best mom I've ever seen. Married life is a big upgrade!

Thanks! I am truly the lucky one, she's a great gal and I couldn't have asked for better! Always growing pains, but always happy to get through them together!

We just celebrated 15 wonderful years last week. Despite what "you know who" will say, being married is fantastic!

LMAO...he actually came to mind as I was compiling the pics and text for this thread :cheesy: :cheesy: Congrats on 15 yrs!!! :thumb:


Congrats on the 15 MTG. :clap2: I will also say to ignore "some" that post otherwise. Been married for 13 and with my wife for nearly 20 total. Like all aspects of life, marriage takes hard work and teamwork. But the rewards can be infinite!!
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