Please Don't Be "That Guy" - Nicholas Smith


Staff member
So, back on July 13, 2015, I guy by the name of Nicholas Smith from Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada, placed an order for a windshield decal and a pair of WAYALIFE JK decals. On August, 17, 2015, I get the following email from him.

From: Nicholas Smith
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

I still have not received my order #760.
Can I please have a status update?

Nicholas Smith

About 1 hour later, I sent the following email response which included a USPS tracking number.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 1:27 PM -0700, "WAYALIFE Store" wrote:

Honestly, I’m not sure why you haven’t received it as it was shipped on July 20. Here is your tracking number:!input.action?tLabels=LZ319469638US

I can only assume that it’s caught up in customs?

To this, he responded with...

From: Nicholas Smith
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 7:47 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

Hi there.

I've contacted the USPS, and gave them the tracking number. They could not give me any information regarding the delivery, because it is destined to Canada. They told me to contact you (the sender) to find out further information about the package status. I'm not really sure why they think you would be able to help me any more than they could.

Please, let me know if you have any ideas, or if you've experienced this issue before. I'm really excited to receive my order, and I've been checking my mail every single day in hopes if it arriving!

Thanks, if you need any further info that could help, feel free to contact me at your convenience. :)


I responded the following morning with...

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 7:39 AM -0700, "WAYALIFE Store" wrote:

So you know, I have put an inquire to the USPS and will let you know when I hear back from them. I apologize for the trouble.

And he responded with...

From: Nicholas Smith
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

Thanks very much.

That afternoon, I checked again and according to the link, the packaged appeared to start moving again and so I let this Nicholas Smith know as much.

From: WAYALIFE Store
Sent: August 24, 2015 1:34 PM
To: Nicholas Smith
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

Just an update, I see that your package is moving again. Don’t know what the hang up was or why but, hopefully you’ll be getting it soon.

Fast forward to October 2, 2015. I now get the following email.

From: Nicholas Smith
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

It's been another month, and I have not yet received my items, or had any replies to the emails I've sent you.

I'm sorry, but I've had no choice but to open a claim through PayPal, to try to recover the money I've lost.

Nicholas Smith

After checking my PayPal account, I do in fact see that he's put in a claim against me and in spite of me having done nothing wrong, I went ahead and sent him a full refund. I also quickly replied to him and let him know the following.

From: WAYALIFE Store
Sent: October 2, 2015 12:02 PM
To: Nicholas Smith
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

Really??? This is the very first email that I’ve gotten from you since you’ve first contacted me about not getting your order. I just checked the tracking number and clearly, USPS still has it and this is their fault. You could have just contacted me again to say as much and I would have gladly sent you a full refund in spite of this not being my fault.

So, he sends me some screen shots from August 30 that supposedly shows where he inquires about his order again. So you know, I have record of this email on my end.

From: Nicholas Smith
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

Here are screen captures of the emails you didn't receive.

If we can resolve this here, I will be happy to cancel the claim via Paypal.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

To this, I let him know...

From: WAYALIFE Store
Sent: October 2, 2015 12:26 PM
To: Nicholas Smith
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

Again, really?? August 30th was the last time you’ve contacted me and after a month of not hearing from you, I’m supposed to just know that you still haven’t gotten your package even though I sent you a tracking number?? Thanks for nothing!

I already sent a FULL REFUND just like I would have IF you had been nice enough to just contact me again sooner.

He responds by saying...

From: Nicholas Smith
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

I'm sorry, but in the Aug. 30th email I clearly asked you to contact me with advice on how you wanted to proceed, which you chose not to do. I gave it 30 days to see if the package, or a reply would surface. In both cases, neither did.

Thanks for the refund, WAYALIFE will retain it's good name in my circle.

I respond by saying...

From: WAYALIFE Store
Sent: October 2, 2015 1:11 PM
To: Nicholas Smith
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

You’ll forgive me but I literally get hundreds of emails everyday and you’re kidding yourself if you think you’re so special that I would put you on some kind of special list of people that I can’t forget about. While it would NEVER be my intent, I am human and do make mistakes. As you can CLEARLY SEE, a simple email to me will result in an IMMEDIATE response but no, you chose to just sit on things until you felt I had ignored you and then filed a claim against me on PayPal. I refunded you because I would have anyway had you just contacted me and really, I would prefer NOT to be in your circle of names that you consider “good”.

Have a good day

And, I let him have the last word...

From: Nicholas Smith
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your order

Suit yourself.

You have a good day as well. 

LOL!! Or, so I thought. Apparently, this wasn't good enough for him and now he's gone so far as to file a complaint with the BBB against me. See the complaint below...


Not that I even care about the BBB but even in the letter they sent to accompany this "closed case" said that they weren't going to treat this as an official complaint, just that I might want to know that one was filed against me.

Anyway, long story short, if you have a problem with an order you've placed with us, please don't be "that guy" like this Nicholas Smith and please, please just contact me by email. I am human and may miss one that you send me but please know that it's not on purpose. As much as I can, I ALWAYS try to respond to every single email I get especially if it involves an order. When in doubt, I will always assume that I did something wrong and I will be sure to send you a full refund if you fail to get your order.

Thank you for hearing me out.
I have a friend that deals with a lot of PayPal sales and says guys will purposely file a claim so that they get their goods and their money back. I'd say that could be what happened here but I hope not. I hate that people act like complete idiots as a customer always hoping to put the seller into a corner so they get something for nothing when they did not deserve it.
Wow Eddie I don't know how you do it all you do is try to help people and make this place better and some people are just douche about everything it's unbelievable how people are these days
I have a friend that deals with a lot of PayPal sales and says guys will purposely file a claim so that they get their goods and their money back. I'd say that could be what happened here but I hope not. I hate that people act like complete idiots as a customer always hoping to put the seller into a corner so they get something for nothing when they did not deserve it.

I've heard of people doing that too. Shitty people.
I have a friend that deals with a lot of PayPal sales and says guys will purposely file a claim so that they get their goods and their money back. I'd say that could be what happened here but I hope not. I hate that people act like complete idiots as a customer always hoping to put the seller into a corner so they get something for nothing when they did not deserve it.

So...did he ever get a sticker?:cheesy:

I just checked the tracking number again today and it still says "In Transit". Clearly, the package just got lost in the mail thanks to our wonderful USPS but, it happens and I know it. The thing that I don't get is that this Nicholas Smith guy can see this as well. He says I "lied" to him but he can clearly see that the USPS has a package going to him and it's just out there somewhere. Regardless, I was more than happy to send him a full refund in spite of him filing a claim against me. I just don't get it. :rolleyes2:

Wow Eddie I don't know how you do it all you do is try to help people and make this place better and some people are just douche about everything it's unbelievable how people are these days

LOL!! I'm sure there are more than a few people who would disagree with you. And really, depending on who it is, I can very much be the ass that they are :D

Uh oh you have another Canadian mad at you lol

:cheesy: I know, right?
Omg. That sucks. Really, who has that kind of time to go out of their way to be a jerk. [emoji19][emoji107]
Sorry to hear how that turned out for you. I can say I have been dealt with in a professional manner when I ordered decals, and also received a timely response from you whenever I had a question. The problem is, America is slowly becoming pussified.....everybody's entitled to something and if it doesn't turn out their way, they are a victim. What a punk!
After having an issue with my order you got back to me very fast, and addressed the issue in what I thought was a timely manner. If this dude would of contacted you I'm sure it would of been resolved like mine was. I will say if it email or PM you have always gotten back to me fast especially considering all the emails in sure you get in a day.
Kudos to that guy. Going to the BBB over a windshield banner. :cheesy:

Congrats Nicholas Smith on having absolutely NO life!

You have always been outstanding to deal with. Hell you responded to me in a few hours when I asked if you still ship to an APO AE address. You stated, that when you redesigned the store website you forgot to add it back in to the shipping options and that it has been fixed. So, my point being is you have always been quick to respond. Even if it was just about advice, I know that most everyone here, including myself appreciate your time and dedication to the Jeep community. Thank you!

Please Don't Be "That Guy" - Nicholas Smith

That's funny, going to the BBB, must have contacted them from his AOL
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......Sorry to hear about that.....:naw:.....If he does ever get the package, I hope he does the right thing by either:

  1. Giving you the $$$ for the actual goods recieved and updating the BBB
  2. Returning the item back to you...

......The nerve of some people.....
Looks to me Nick Smith is a huge D bag. All that over a couple stickers? Cant help but wonder if hes a forum member...
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