Reply with quote


New member
I've noticed in some replies, people are some how picking out only the point they want to get across in the quote for their reply, and not the whole quote. This is my first computer, had it 14 months now, and still learning all this stuff. How is that done, it would save a lot of space.:)
Bottom left, reply thead for main point, or it still does not matter much u can delete there quote also for more space..
O.K. Thanks, I'll try next time.

Click on the "Reply with Quote" button in the bottom right of each post and then delete what you want from the quoted post.

Not sure if you know but you can also quote multiple people if you use the button next to the "Reply with Quote" button, thats the multi quote button. :thumb:
So it sounds like deleting what's not wanted is the go. I was trying everything but that. Many thanks.
Hey guys I'm pretty new here and and I don't use any other fourm. I'm using the waylife app and trying to figure out how to reply to people with a quote. I thought this would be the place to try to figure it out.
So it sounds like deleting what's not wanted is the go. I was trying everything but that. Many thanks.
I tried to add Gibbo's comment in the above post but it did not copy his name with the quote. Once again I'm using the app. Can someone help me with this?
Click on the "Reply with Quote" button in the bottom right of each post and then delete what you want from the quoted post.

Not sure if you know but you can also quote multiple people if you use the button next to the "Reply with Quote" button, thats the multi quote button. :thumb:

I was wondering how y'all did that.
You said play...[/B][/B]

You can also bold the quote if you highlight the section you want and then click the bold B just below the blue colored A/A in greyed section above the quotes.

It's fun toys!

like this?

Got it!
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