Aeroscraft Dirigible - Way Cool!!


Staff member
I've always be a big fan of just about anything that flys and that includes dirigibles!! I'm so glad to see that a company is taking up the challenge and building this awesome looking craft - looks very futuristic for such and old concept design.

This is all going down in the old dirigible hanger out in Tustin and I can't wait to see it fly :thumb:
That's pretty cool. I didn't know anyone was building any new "Blimps". Looks like it will have tons of capacity for cargo etc.

When I was a kid we lived in Tulsa, OK and I remember my Dad taking us to an airfield where they kept a Goodyear blimp. We would watch take off and land, it was super cool!

My all time favorite "Blimp" though would have to be Led Zeppelin. :cheesy:
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Blimps are cool but this isn't exactly a blimp. Unlike a blimp which is kind of a large inflated ballon, a dirigible is an airship that has a rigid skeletal inner structure. Airships like the Graf Zeppelin or Hindinburg were HUGE dirigibles and if this Aeroscraft takes off, they'll have one just as big if not bigger. It would be super exciting to see something of this size flying in the air again :yup:
That is awesome! I love when people take historical designs and improve upon them with modern technology and materials.

In case anyone doesn't know about it:

Ah ok that makes sense. I guess I wasn't familiar with the finer points of the differences between a blimp and dirigible/zeppelin.

I guess I've never seen a deflated blimp:blush:. Thanks for the clarification.

I would assume that is why they are able to have so much storage inside. The gas is actually in a secondary bladder...I'll watch it again.
Blimps are cool but this isn't exactly a blimp. Unlike a blimp which is kind of a large inflated ballon, a dirigible is an airship that has a rigid skeletal inner structure. Airships like the Graf Zeppelin or Hindinburg were HUGE dirigibles and if this Aeroscraft takes off, they'll have one just as big if not bigger. It would be super exciting to see something of this size flying in the air again :yup:

I like how they showed a camo mock up. Not sure this thing would surprise anybody. Though maybe with newer materials it could still be "stealth" like.

I agree would be awesome to see this launch from its Irvine hanger.
Can it stay aloft for 21 days like this?

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