Aviation Military Help?


New member
Wasn't sure where to post this but figured this is to help my future Jeep life... Checking to see if we have any Military Aviators on this Forum, or more specific Army Rotocraft aviators. I'm trying to do the impossible according to all of the military forums by putting in a WOFT package at the young age of 38. I have 4 years prior service and I have a 117.89 hours of helicopter flight time. The problem is that I have been out of the Military for 16 years and don't know any military aviators for a letter of recommendation. The good thing is I'm creative and will find a way to find some. If any one knows anyone I'd love to do a phone interview for a letter of recommendation. Any help would be appreciated :beer:
I have a former coworker and fellow Marine who got into WOFT at the age of 34, 5 yrs prior service, as a CH-53 and VH-60 crew chief. Not sure if you've checked it out but there's a section on the vertical reference helicopter forum dedicated to WOFT and the application process, with ALOT of current army rotary wing aviators there.

I just finished my private helo rating at Guidance Helicopters and plan to try for WOFT once I'm done with all my ratings, to help make me more competitive at the age of 33 I'll be at when I'm done.
I have a former coworker and fellow Marine who got into WOFT at the age of 34, 5 yrs prior service, as a CH-53 and VH-60 crew chief. Not sure if you've checked it out but there's a section on the vertical reference helicopter forum dedicated to WOFT and the application process, with ALOT of current army rotary wing aviators there.

I just finished my private helo rating at Guidance Helicopters and plan to try for WOFT once I'm done with all my ratings, to help make me more competitive at the age of 33 I'll be at when I'm done.

Yeah you have plenty of time, not sure on how much our flight time will help us but once I realized how many more hours I need to put in to get a solid job as a pilot, the government seems to be the best option. Wait till you start to put the package together, it takes a lot of recruiter hounding and forum reading. I head to Meps wed and thurs to take the AFAST, and hoping I get my package board ready by Oct 1 or I have to do the SIFT as well. I'll keep you posted on the progress if you want. If all goes well I might be able to do a LOR for you :D. I'll check the forum as well thanks for the info...
I have a buddy that is on military jeepers that is a heli pilot for the army. that would be a good place to check. I can try to send him this way.
Thanks for your service,

Not sure how many active or vets on this site, But there is a Jeep club called Military Jeepers. They have a lot of satilite chapters too. Also another great group of people.:yup:

JK owners, and Wrangler Board.. good luck
Not sure how many active or vets on this site, But there is a Jeep club called Military Jeepers. They have a lot of satilite chapters too. Also another great group of people.:yup:

JK owners, and Wrangler Board.. good luck

Thanks guys, just registered on Military Jeepers, gonna try that. Tomorrow I actually have to do Meps, my recruiter forgot to put my fingerprints in my file so I couldn't go up last week, go figure...
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