YJ 3 speed 4WD problems


New member
So, I've been having this problem over the course of the winter but I can't work on my YJ unless it's warm out (I don't have a space/garage blablabla).

Me n a buddy have looked at this a few times. My 4wd shifter was stuck going either in 4H or 4L, or so it appeared. Really, I don't think it's engaging in 4H at all.

Recently, due to a bunch of jiggling and lubricant (haha) while I had access to a garage for a weekend, the shifter came loose and now it technically goes into all the positions (4H/N/4L). Here's the thing - in what should be 4H I can only accelerate to 3k RPM and I don't shift into second gear at all. Sounds like 4L to me, really, even though the shifter is sitting where it should be. Basically, I can only drive in 4L regardless of the shifter's position. This pisses me off because I like blasting my four litre down city streets in 4H and watching everyone else struggle in the snow.

I woudl start by looking at the linkage from under the Jeep, it could be the bracket or bushing that came lose. If tjis is a linkage issue, you should still be able to shift in 4 high, low etc by hand manually from under teh jeep by pushing or tapping with a wood block on the shifter rocker arm (it is a "/" shaped tab on the driver side of the t-case). Try that first.

The second issue may be more involved if the problem is in your fork shifter or main shaft on the case, so try teh above first and report back.

I believe Novak and a few other companies still make brackets that help address this issue. For illustration, see the Novak setup below, the "/" lever is on the middle right of the pic, behind the small rod):


Another cause can be the linkage and bushing popped out see pic here :


Good luck!
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This is great. i'll take a look next time the weather is good enough. Hopefully it's relatively simple as it seems to be (according to your description)
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