MIL light to broken 2.8 diesel the future VM diesels on JK.


Caught the Bug
Great News: the dealership went from MIL light (no code related to it on on-board listing) to shot engine. They diagnosed a shot DPF sensor and partially clogged DPF, tried to force clean it (program runs the engine at moderate to high revs to heat up the DPF and force regenerate it: that made all five injectors( four cylinders and post burn) stay open and leak diesel in the cylinders which in turn mixed with engine oil, auto fired, burned down the glowplugs and broke a rod......VERY happy about it..........

The great news is I'm getting a new engine, FINALLY, after 5 long weeks driving a Fiat 500 (FCA is saving face here as it is a pilot dealership).

Next JK might be V6 gas.........:twocents:
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