Best April Fools Pranks


I told my wife this morning our boat sank at the dock...she replied "good"...

I'm going to have to up my April Fools game...


New member

I don't remember where I found this but saved for use in the future. Sadly no work today to test out.


Active Member
im currently making my way from NM to MT for a PCS and told my wife and parents that i busted a U joint on a front axle shaft and pulled a pic from the trail breaks thread on here, told them i was trying to drive in the ditch on the side of the highway to get a tire off the ground to pull the shaft and continue driving, my wife was like cool let me know if you get it fixed :doh: my mom on the other hand was i swear about to call 911 to have someone come save me on the side of the road :cheesy: she wasnt too amused.
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