Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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I see that a few cities/counties are starting up the mask bullshit again. Didn't work last year, but let's try it again and see if we can stop these mosquitoes with a chain link fence again this time.
LA is back to masks, but I went to dinner, movie, the Harley dealer. Everyone had them on except me and not a person said anything about it. So fuck it. 🙃

I live about 45 minutes from the LA county line and we have been and still are mask free. Nothing makes sense
At this point, anyone over the age of 12 in the US can get vaccinated if they so desire. If they don’t, that’s fine too. That is an individual choice and the individual must be willing to accept the consequences of their choice, if any.

There is no reason to have mask mandates or anything else. People who get covid and make it through (which is still the overwhelming majority of people), acquire natural immunity that statistically is far greater than that provided by the vaccine.

I fully understand there is a tiny, tiny percentage of the population that is immune compromised and cannot get the vaccine even if they wanted to. While I feel badly for those people, I am unwilling to accept destructive widespread public policies that in reality are tailored to 1% of the population.

And, at least according to everything I have read to date, there is no scientific evidence that the Delta variant is more deadly than any other variant. It’s just more transmissible. The two concepts are not the same.
My wife and I had this exact same conversation. I can understand trying to protect the public before vaccines or knowing much about the virus. However, now that it's available ones choice to protect themselves or not should be exercised at this point. I mean the anti-vaxers had full support to not get their kids routine vaccinations, why is it any different if I choose not to vaccinate myself with an emergency use approved, brand new vaccine? If I get covid I accept full responsibility for my choices and actions. I'm not going to blame my neighbors for making me sick. The funniest thing to me is that people seem so surprised that covid is on the rise now that things are fully open. What did they think was going to happen? It magically disappeared?
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No COVID-19 vaccine was reported with a 99% effectiveness against getting COVID-19...only not being hospitalized if you do get covid...currently over 99% of deaths due to covid are unvaccinated..
sure, i'm going to rely on data from the AP that cannot backup it's source but 99% sounds good enough to regurgitate without validation....
:unsure: o_O
This jackass here. He is the one that shut businesses down. He is the one that took kids out of school for the last year and a half. He is the one that put peoples lives at risk by not allowing businesses to open. But it’s my fault people die cause I don’t want a covid injection? Fuck him.

This jackass here. He is the one that shut businesses down. He is the one that took kids out of school for the last year and a half. He is the one that put peoples lives at risk by not allowing businesses to open. But it’s my fault people die cause I don’t want a covid injection? Fuck him.

Couldn't agree more.

And if vaccinated people can still get covid but don't have any adverse infections, why shame the unvaccinated? The vaccine is more than readily available and every one has heard about it. If someone doesn't want to get one, then so be it. According to the 'experts,' it's not hurting anyone who is vaccinated.
This jackass here. He is the one that shut businesses down. He is the one that took kids out of school for the last year and a half. He is the one that put peoples lives at risk by not allowing businesses to open. But it’s my fault people die cause I don’t want a covid injection? Fuck him.

Hopefully we will have a new governor soon... hopefully.
St Louis county issued a mask mandate less than a week ago. Yesterday, county council voted to get rid of it. More local, city, county, state governments need to step up like this.

“Too many American men and women have given the last full measure of devotion for us to be cavalier with the very liberty they fought and died to provide,” said Councilman Ernie Trakas, R-6th District. “I will not abide any measures that seek to compromise or erode our liberty and freedom.”
This jackass here. He is the one that shut businesses down. He is the one that took kids out of school for the last year and a half. He is the one that put peoples lives at risk by not allowing businesses to open. But it’s my fault people die cause I don’t want a covid injection? Fuck him!
Which is why I bought this shirt yesterday.

Hey Gavin Newsom!

His press conference made me so mad. Like I said being nearly criminalized for making a choice to not get vaccinated is a huge issue with me. It's not my job to make sure others can live their safe happy lives. They can be responsible for their own safety.
So the new CDC guidance is, essentially, that VACCINATED individuals are superspreaders. What a perfect narrative. This shit (and by shit, I do NOT mean Covid), is never going to end.
People were going back to being themselves and not following the "We the Sheeple" narrative. Government freaked out and seems to be pulling shit out of their ass to try to scare, shame, degrade, or whatever into getting compliance.
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