Random Internet Shit you've come across

I was thinking about something similar today. The new term is 'red flag' laws. While it seems great if it actually worked perfectly, who decides who is mentally a threat to own a firearm? The last two years have really shown what governments and karens do when they perceive someone to be a threat. People were assaulted for coughing in stores, wearing a mask improperly, not keeping six feet away, etc. If 'red flag' laws were in place, and karens and governments were the decision makers, everyone is fucked.
I was thinking about something similar today. The new term is 'red flag' laws. While it seems great if it actually worked perfectly, who decides who is mentally a threat to own a firearm? The last two years have really shown what governments and karens do when they perceive someone to be a threat. People were assaulted for coughing in stores, wearing a mask improperly, not keeping six feet away, etc. If 'red flag' laws were in place, and karens and governments were the decision makers, everyone is fucked.
Whoever defines the terms wins the discussion.

That’s exactly why they will define who is considered ‘dangerous’. Having nebulous laws that are ‘interpreted’ by some nameless, faceless, unelected committee is the road to tyranny.

Here is an interesting read on how quickly people get tyrannical.


the article already states that we already have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the country, but let’s sign more laws into effect just because. We already have to take weapons in when registering for serial number verification… so what else could they be inspecting for? I’m sure the criminals will have a line out the door to have their weapons inspected. F this state 😡
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