Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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I'm with you. This thread has been a long time coming. PLucas, time to get up on your soapbox and tell us all what you've been wanting to say for a while now.

Mr Tarded, I have nothing to say to you, I know you have been influence by others and all you think about is their approval here.
Mr Tarded, I have nothing to say to you, I know you have been influence by others and all you think about is their approval here.

So now you're resorting to name calling and assuming that you have me all figured out. Since you don't know me, at all, I will be the first to tell you that I don't need anyone's approval here, or anywhere. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions and am perfectly comfortable with criticism of my decisions. You on the other hand can't seem to grow enough of a pair to tell us how you really feel.
maybe your the one that craves the attention. why don't you just speak whats on your mind, or are you to "manly" to speak about your feelings

Your not a psychologist are you? I have no beef with nobody here. Like I said before I have met some good ppl here in person and well in the Internet not so. Is cool with me if some of you don't like me, we are all in tittle. And I didn't start this, go back to the other thread and you will see, how some ppl just can't help them selfs and are always in attack mode.
I don't know we're it all went wrong with you sir, but here in TEXAS we call him a coward and weak, he who cannot confront another man personally. Your probably not even from TX, well now you know.

No sir, I am not from Texas.

I grew up in a trashy trailer park in a small town in Kansas dealing with cockroaches and having to dodge holes in the floor from leaking pipes rotting them out. If there was ever a case of a family needing government assistance it would have been ours... but it didn't happen... we sucked it up and made due with what we had. Because that's what Americans do.

Even through all of that I learned to appreciate all of the opportunities that a kid like me (who was ACTUALLY poor and had two parents who were high school dropouts with substance abuse problems) has in this beautiful country to become something and succeed in life if you just ruck the fuck up and keep on moving.

I am not rich, but I'm far from broke and I've got a gorgeous, successful wife who also loves her country.

When I got out of the service we could have moved anywhere we wanted to, or we could have stayed in beautiful Coronado, CA... and we chose Texas for a reason and that reason was surely not to be surrounded by thin-skinned idiots like yourself.

If you are in any way suggesting that we meet in person so that you can hear this directly from my mouth I would be more than happy to oblige... but I feel like it's my responsibility to let you know up front that when you have not only endured but thrived in the environments and situations that I have seen in my short 30 years on this planet, you could not in your wildest imagination put me in a position that I was uncomfortable in. If you must attempt to test your manhood though, I would be more than happy to oblige.
So now you're resorting to name calling and assuming that you have me all figured out. Since you don't know me, at all, I will be the first to tell you that I don't need anyone's approval here, or anywhere. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions and am perfectly comfortable with criticism of my decisions. You on the other hand can't seem to grow enough of a pair to tell us how you really feel.

Don't you just like autocorrect? Well I guess I just see how you carry your self every single time there is a debate. My bad.
Don't you just like autocorrect? Well I guess I just see how you carry your self every single time there is a debate. My bad.

Sometimes the truth hurts. People like you need to learn to deal with or step away from the internet.
No sir, I am not from Texas.

I grew up in a trashy trailer park in a small town in Kansas dealing with cockroaches and having to dodge holes in the floor from leaking pipes rotting them out. If there was ever a case of a family needing government assistance it would have been ours... but it didn't happen... we sucked it up and made due with what we had. Because that's what Americans do.

Even through all of that I learned to appreciate all of the opportunities that a kid like me (who was ACTUALLY poor and had two parents who were high school dropouts with substance abuse problems) has in this beautiful country to become something and succeed in life if you just ruck the fuck up and keep on moving.

I am not rich, but I'm far from broke and I've got a gorgeous, successful wife who also loves her country.

When I got out of the service we could have moved anywhere we wanted to, or we could have stayed in beautiful Coronado, CA... and we chose Texas for a reason and that reason was surely not to be surrounded by thin-skinned idiots like yourself.

If you are in any way suggesting that we meet in person so that you can hear this directly from my mouth I would be more than happy to oblige... but I feel like it's my responsibility to let you know up front that when you have not only endured but thrived in the environments and situations that I have seen in my short 30 years on this planet, you could not in your wildest imagination put me in a position that I was uncomfortable in. If you must attempt to test your manhood though, I would be more than happy to oblige.

Dang even for PM is too long (e-mail prov best), sorry man but I'm mountain biking at the same time (replying in breaks, hotter than hell now). I never offended you or personally attacked you in any way with my post about the dude (rollover). You said in your first post how you dislike me just because. Well my friend I give that, but why not PM me and tell me that, instead you want to derail a perfectly good thread just because you want to look like a bad ass... Also if you insist in meeting to clarify and put me in my place, well we are not that far from each other. I just think is a cowardly to put someone on blast for everyone to see, because he cannot defend himself.
I am a veteran AND a cancer survivor who is still going through treatment and working 40+ hrs a week and somehow finds the strength and energy to maintain my fitness level because I understand that it is the one and only thing that has given me the ability to walk around this hospital (currently having chemo pumped into my vein) looking strong and healthy while everyone around me looks like they are on deaths doorstep.

If you are looking for weakness or a coward, I will recommend that you look elsewhere, sir.

I am simply a man who loves his country and detests the PC, soft-boned direction that people like you are steering us toward.

I would like to say, from a man who was by his grandfather's side as passed away from cancer, you have gained my up most respect :thumb:
I don't know we're it all went wrong with you sir, but here in TEXAS we call him a coward and weak, he who cannot confront another man personally. Your probably not even from TX, well now you know.

This native Texan would rather have 2013CGJKU as a native Texan than your pathetic ass.

You sure as hell don't represent the majority of Texans.
Who's truths yours?

I will give it to you. You are doing a top notch job of avoiding everyone's questions about what your end game is here. I don't understand why you're avoiding it since you've been seeking out your own thread for a while now. Now that you have your own thread, you can't seem to say what you have to say.
This native Texan would rather have 2013CGJKU as a native Texan than your pathetic ass.

You sure as hell don't represent the majority of Texans.

Ha! You must be a Jerry fan. Go ahead defend your self, from me personally attacking you.
Dang even for PM is too long (e-mail prov best), sorry man but I'm mountain biking at the same time (replying in breaks, hotter than hell now). I never offended you or personally attacked you in any way with my post about the dude (rollover). You said in your first post how you dislike me just because. Well my friend I give that, but why not PM me and tell me that, instead you want to derail a perfectly good thread just because you want to look like a bad ass... Also if you insist in meeting to clarify and put me in my place, well we are not that far from each other. I just think is a cowardly to put someone on blast for everyone to see, because he cannot defend himself.

I was not trying to look like a badass at all. I was making the plain point that your statement about "accidents happen" was obsurd. This was not an accident. It was a man who made a conscious choice to do something that very well could have cost him his life... and that's precisely what happened. It was no more an accident than when some teenie bopper gets behind the wheel of a car and can't put her damn phone down and kills herself or some family. The end result may not have been intentional, but every single step that led up to it was 100% deliberate. That can not be argued.

I in no way shape or form presented you in an environment that you couldn't defend yourself just as easily as I presented the case for your thin skin and your soft-boned mentality when it comes to people being personally responsible for their conscious actions.

I am not a bully, I would prefer not to have to harm someone who couldn't properly defend themselves. I prefer to be the one that steps in and destroys the cool guy who thinks it's fun to do stuff like that. But, like I said before, if you truly insist on making this a face to face confrontation, you are correct, we don't live too far from one another.
I will give it to you. You are doing a top notch job of avoiding everyone's questions about what your end game is here. I don't understand why you're avoiding it since you've been seeking out your own thread for a while now. Now that you have your own thread, you can't seem to say what you have to say.

Who would have though..!! My own personal thread, created by you. Why don't you grow some HUEVOS and PM and ask me personally. You scare I'm going to do what is always cowardly done to others (put them on blast). No need to worry, I'm not like that.

In nutshell I'm here for the very same reason you are. See I could tell you more, but you are a child and like a child you rather twist my words, but the offer stands.
From here:
I would feel absolutely no sympathy for the Jeep owner. And hope he gets prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and financially ruined in civil court. It seems a little unnecessary to post the pic of the young girl. But it does make a hell of a statement.

Doesn't matter how careful or learned you are, accident can happen to every single one of us, trail or road. Is always a tragedy and great lost whenever someone losses their life.

Funny the level of hypocrisy that you spew. You want a Jeep owner to suffer financial and criminal damage due to an "accident" but yet "accidents" can happen to anyone right? :doh:
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