Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Grown adults that constantly require babysitting. Can't do basic job-related tasks no matter how many times you remind them. Same people, same shit, different day. So frustrating.
Asking for ketchup packets and only getting one
>>>Someone touching my food <<<<<
interrupting me during a conversation.

The last two are pretty much a guaranteed ass kicking! :asshat:

I agree. Do Not Touch My Food !
If someone ( not Immediate family ) takes one French fry, they might as well take them all - I am done with them. This is my behavior with friends. I avoid "communal" food for this reason. Why can't people remove one slice of pizza without fingering all eight slices, all the while licking their fingers is beyond me. ?
People that can't drive or rather don't follow the actual rules/laws of the road. Most particularly to merging. I don't get why people will just merge into traffic when they really shouldn't have and they had the yield sign or there was an obstruction in the road/lane causing the need to merge into another lane. Look, if possible I will get over but the fact that you have a yield sign means YOU yield until it's safe for you to go. That might mean YOU have to stop and wait a bit. That's what the damn yield sign means. It does not mean you blow through it at speeds greater than the posted speed limit and jerk your vehicle into traffic right in front of other cars. That's what starts road rage, and I will gladly let you know you were in the wrong.
People that can't drive or rather don't follow the actual rules/laws of the road. Most particularly to merging. I don't get why people will just merge into traffic when they really shouldn't have and they had the yield sign or there was an obstruction in the road/lane causing the need to merge into another lane. Look, if possible I will get over but the fact that you have a yield sign means YOU yield until it's safe for you to go. That might mean YOU have to stop and wait a bit. That's what the damn yield sign means. It does not mean you blow through it at speeds greater than the posted speed limit and jerk your vehicle into traffic right in front of other cars. That's what starts road rage, and I will gladly let you know you were in the wrong.
X1000000000 amen... Amen...

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People that can't drive or rather don't follow the actual rules/laws of the road. Most particularly to merging. I don't get why people will just merge into traffic when they really shouldn't have and they had the yield sign or there was an obstruction in the road/lane causing the need to merge into another lane. Look, if possible I will get over but the fact that you have a yield sign means YOU yield until it's safe for you to go. That might mean YOU have to stop and wait a bit. That's what the damn yield sign means. It does not mean you blow through it at speeds greater than the posted speed limit and jerk your vehicle into traffic right in front of other cars. That's what starts road rage, and I will gladly let you know you were in the wrong.
I deal with that shit every damn day. Also people who can't seem to drive at night without their high beams on

sent from your basement
People blowing red lights to turn right. I've almost T-boned two cars just this week while I'm turning left on a left-arrow. I honk and they look at me like I'm in the wrong. I need an on-board camera so I can start monster trucking over people.
People that can't drive or rather don't follow the actual rules/laws of the road. Most particularly to merging. I don't get why people will just merge into traffic when they really shouldn't have and they had the yield sign or there was an obstruction in the road/lane causing the need to merge into another lane. Look, if possible I will get over but the fact that you have a yield sign means YOU yield until it's safe for you to go. That might mean YOU have to stop and wait a bit. That's what the damn yield sign means. It does not mean you blow through it at speeds greater than the posted speed limit and jerk your vehicle into traffic right in front of other cars. That's what starts road rage, and I will gladly let you know you were in the wrong.
Obviously you have never lived in LA where no one is as important as you and you are the only one in a hurry and everyone else should get out of your way! Haha I grew up and learned how to drive on the freeways around LA and boy did I have to curb my road rage when I got stationed out in Oklahoma just a different pace of life out there. But I will say more often than not the people of Enid, OK would drive 10 UNDER the speed limit and I think that drove me to more road rage than drivers in LA haha. At least drive the speed limit!

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Grown adults that constantly require babysitting. Can't do basic job-related tasks no matter how many times you remind them. Same people, same shit, different day. So frustrating.

Man you got a good one there. I just don't understand this...Let me know when you figure it out.
Chinese wrenches that aren't the right size and strip your bolt heads.

And those little plastic inserts that come with sockets. They end up breaking while you're trying to get the socket off and then you waste more time digging it out than the time it takes to do the repair.
The Pittsburgh Left.
Happens when someone takes off and turns left in front of oncoming traffic when the light turns green instead of waiting for your turn. Its so common here it even has a Wikipedia page.
I know this happens in other towns but its a goddam art form here. The worst ones will wave at you while they're doing it making it out like you let them go on purpose instead of them being dickheads & cutting you off...:mad:
Chinese wrenches that aren't the right size and strip your bolt heads.

And those little plastic inserts that come with sockets. They end up breaking while you're trying to get the socket off and then you waste more time digging it out than the time it takes to do the repair.
I thought I was the only one who didn't know how to get the socket out of the packaging, this makes me so happy. Sometimes I need the socket first thing in the morning at work, when it's cold and dark. Super frustrating...
I work at night and am on the roads my entire shirt, so anyone who is driving with there brights on pisses me off. Especially the a wholes who has a headlight out so they drive with there brights on so they don't get pulled over

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1. People who park in the street of a neighborhood
2. On coming traffic that drives in your lane to go around said parked cars, and nearly hit you. Then look at you like it's your fault.

One day I'm gonna lose my shit and drive up and over every single one of these bastards

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people who use speaker phone in public
people who have annoying ring tones and get phone calls every 3 mins in public
people who don't turn their phones to silent or vibrate at work and then get phone calls

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