The spot light pattern will light up your hood. Even cubes on the A-pillar will reflect quite a bit. I found it to be pretty off-putting at first but got used to it. My hood was white though, so pretty much as bad as it gets.
Seeing a Renegade on 4 drag slicks is definitely going to be unique and turn some heads. Lol!! I've joked with my wife about dropping a V8 in our Renegade forever but a turbo k-swap sounds a lot more doable. I assume you're familiar with the Boosted Boys kswap MR2?
That sounds fun. Keeping the AWD? What kind of ET are you shooting for? High 7 should be possible with that big ass turbo? Anything is better than another civic on the track. :)
Well, if they do (and they will) maybe people will start to wake up to the fact that most of them have no desire to actually govern and improve the country. They are only in it for self-enrichment. All they have to hide behind then is Orange Man Bad.