Airing Up and Airing Down Tires and I am a dumbass


New member
So I think I am clever and build a custom air hose system to air up all four tires at the same time and air all four tires down at the same time. The air hose I build will also balance out the air pressure between all four tires. The air hose is nothing special, one hose into a splitter and then hoses down each side of the Jeep. Has a gauge, and a dump valve so I know what the pressure is.


Every thing stores good in a bag. So you might be wondering how am I a dumbass. So after I get all done and do a test run and everything works fine...No problem. I then realize as I walk past the spare tire, that I am caring a 37 in tire that is basically a big air tank. If I max out the tire pressure in the spare tire and add a pig tail to my existing line, that when I get done wheeling and need to air up, by attaching the spare to the equation, It will add about 12 pounds to the other four tires. As the tire equalize in pressure, I will get out the portable air compressor and attach it to the air lines and then unhook the spare. Then my portable air compressor will only have to add about five pounds to each of the four tires. When I get home, I can use shop air compressor to fill the spare back up to max pressure. So just when I thought I was done building the air hose, back to the hardware store I go tomorrow.
Why would you use the air in your spare to inflate the tires, then use the compressor to air back up the spare when you could just use the air air up the tires?

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You’re not gaining anything by using the spare as an air tank. It’s easier just to use the compressor.

Typed by my very own fat fingers on my iPad or iPhone.
Sounds like a good idea if your compressor crapped out on you and you needed to air tires up just to get you home, but also seems like a lot of work, The idea of filling 4 tires up at a time sounds good but I would think you would spend more time untangling and connecting all four tires at once rather then one cord and one tire at a time. Takes me about 15 minutes to air up 4 37's with my shittybuilt compressor.
whats max psi, like 50 something? an actual air tank is like 125-150psi. I doubt you would get your estimated 10-15 per tire. Just not enough CFM at that low of a pressure.
I went down the same road, minus using my spare as a on board system, trying to build a 4 tire inflation system. Like most things there are companies out there that build them cheaper than you can buy all the parts for. I found one on northern tool, plug in all four tires, plug the end of the hose into my compressor and adjust the gauge. It works really well getting all four tires up and down quickly. To deflate them, same process minus the compressor, open the valve and I can air all 4 down in less than five minutes. It’s a good idea overall, but it’s more shit you have to pack in the back of your Jeep too. Pluses and minuses.

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You have 1/4 the volume at probably 50psi. So once you equalize all 5 minus line loss you might get 10ish per tire and it will be SLOW, and you have to remember to re fill your "tank" . Only real benefit I see is that this would ensure you never have a flat spare tire which I have seen several times through the years. No one ever checks them until they are needed.

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Using your spare as a air source may only be an option in an emergency...and you may only add around 6 psi per tire...I'd stick with the compressor...
Just buy a kit, its way easier and a whole lot less effort. I have the Strike Force Zebra Air Command and air up in about 12 minutes total (including getting the gear out and putting it away) from 9psi to 28psi on 37s. Because the kit is designed to be run to each wheel you don't have to deal with long hoses and packs up real nice.
Sometimes you can overcomplicate the living shit out of an otherwise simple process...:thinking:
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