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  1. S

    Modding the 1.3L FireFly Powered Renegade... Tuning & More...

    Yeah I am, actually sourced a lot of the parts from my build through Kyle.
  2. S

    Modding the 1.3L FireFly Powered Renegade... Tuning & More...

    Depends on what the engine holds... with the weight of the Reny I'm guessing low 8's on a stock block, but I do have a Billet block as well, but I'm not gonna use that out of the gate until I get used to the setup and just in case shit goes sideways (rods meeting pavement) I'd much rather have...
  3. S

    Modding the 1.3L FireFly Powered Renegade... Tuning & More...

    Mike is a buddy of mine... He actually inspired me to swap a Renny, I bought a 2018 Limited Flood car 2 years ago, and it's been a LOOOONG... standing K24 Swap Project. Turning it into the first Drag Brick... aka Renegade aka Toaster... lol mounts are done, engine is out currently cleaning up...
  4. S

    Modding the 1.3L FireFly Powered Renegade... Tuning & More...

    So... If you have modded or want to modify your 1.3L powered Renegade you probably know tuning is basically unavailable. Well... I'm ALMOST 100% positive that I have a guy who can do it. He actually specializes in tuning stock computers directly through the HEX system I believe is the term. He...
  5. S

    What did you name your Jeep?

    Remy... technically after the Rat from Ratatouille... My daughter's choice.
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