Search results

  1. TheFALCON

    Parts: experience and opinions

    So I have been looking at a lot of different parts and such for my jeep. I've searched though the forums and hadnt seen a thread for something such as this. I am new and dont want to waste money. I figure ill tap into your experiences. Plus im freakin new! So lets get this started. Currently...
  2. TheFALCON

    Truly a good group.

    Honestly everyone, super stoked to be a part of this family. Especially after this video. Awesome, and admirable. Seriously touching. I do have a question about the parts on this jeep. The tire rack... I noticed is on without a rear door, can you set this up to run...
  3. TheFALCON

    Jeep wave!

    Hey all just got a 2010 islander 4dr two days ago. Just wanted to stop by and wave. Can't wait for the adventures ahead! NEVER STOP JEEPIN!
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