PS evap skid and Dynomax exhaust Issue


New member
I am looking for a little guidance before I install these this weekend. It looks like the skid and the exhaust mount wont work together since the skid covers the bolts on the front. Any ideas or any past experiences installing this combo?

skid issue.JPG
I am looking for a little guidance before I install these this weekend. It looks like the skid and the exhaust mount wont work together since the skid covers the bolts on the front. Any ideas or any past experiences installing this combo?

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Which dynomax exhaust cause I was thinking on get that skid.

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I have the same setup. I cut a slot to slide the hanger in the front to be able to mount it in the correct location.
Thanks Atch That was what I was thinking as well. I was hoping there was some way of rigging up the hanger somewhere else. Oh well time for the shade-tree machinist to come out of retirement.
I had the same issue so I went to a muffler guy and he mounted it elsewhere - works great - $20 :thumb:
I have the same setup. The bracket provided with the exhaust, I cut that off flipped it around and welded it to the frame.

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