Hey from Reno/Sparks


New member
Hey folks,
Previously had a '00 XJ and a '03 TJ, both for trail use, that got "donated" from my not-so-delicate care. Now, after 5 years without a Jeep and being a grumpy old man (Get off my laaawn!), you'd think that I'd gotten over the Jeep bug, right? Nope, I was slowly dying inside from a lack of dirt and mud!
Now, I've picked up an '07 Rubi for a build rig that's beggin for some lovin and I plan on treatin her right... Some dinner and drinks (filters/gas), some romance (sweet, sweet lovin in the garage), lift her up, buy her some new shoes (wheels/tires), and some shiny jewelry (ie mods). Kinda reminds me of when I was married and probably more expensive!
Anyways, hope to be meetin some of ya'll out on the trail. Keep the dirty side down.
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