
That’s a shame that people can’t find anything better to do then destroy the natural beauty of this planet. However, the article does state that there is speculation that the video is fake. I hope that is the case.

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Prison is not good enough...I've always been a fan of tying them up to the pilings at the takes a long time for crabs to take you apart...
These guys are bad. Makes you wonder what they think of us and what they might do to a lone Jeeper. Whacko’s supported by BLM!

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These days it’s hard to know who to believe if you don’t see it with your own eyes.

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These guys are bad. Makes you wonder what they think of us and what they might do to a lone Jeeper. Whacko’s supported by BLM!

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There are a lot of these non-profit groups who help support the BLM's mission. In a lot of cases this holds true. The majority of the time they are composed of stake holders in that local area (land owners, recreates, etc.) Unfortunately in other cases they begin to push their own agenda and control the agency and deviate from the agency's missions and policy. This is hard to prevent because most budgets do now allow the agency to hire employees to take on this responsibility which is carried out by these groups for free or using grant money. I've dealt with these groups who push their own agenda and it's a pain in the ass. I've also been apart of trying to enforce the agency's policy which makes no sense, so I can see the frustration.

The biggest problem with this type of road closure (I've been a part of trying to close well established illegal routes) is people will end up driving around them causing more damage.

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This shit makes me fucking sick. Luckily it’s fake but still yet. Even for different events they blame jeepers/off roaders and moto guys for this b.s. I’m not saying their are bad off roaders who don’t care because every group has a village idiot. But what about the kids who throw ragers and literally blow up cars, boats, and trash places full of bottles, nails, left over huff cans etc.? The people that find this shit funny aren’t off roaders or riders. We care too much about the land to destroy it. Cops, sheriffs,BLM who ever the hell you wanna call, they ALL fail to come out when the action actually happens at night when bond fires of 50-100+ people are going on. It’s no secret that parties happen year round at popular wheeling/riding spots Friday and Saturday nights or holiday weekends.

All I’m saying is that maybe the issue isn’t the people doing it but the people enforcing it. Theirs been no repercussions! If the whoever in charge wanted to actually stop this then they would. There’s the argument of “we are under staffed” or “we have more important things going on” which both are true I’m sure. What’s that old adage? If you want something bad enough you’ll make it happen no matter the cost? If they want to fix this then get a fucking professional team together, train them, then put them on patrol and make the consequences of actions like this HEAVY. The need is obviously there and has been voice but it take a hell of a lot more than a few guys with Jeeps or trucks to make a dent in this. I think I speak for most middle class but we can only be out so much trying to help before we don’t have jobs to take care of our family’s

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