Life hack - keeping shit in doors off.

I may have too low of risk aversion so I'm willing to be educated. Hell, I'm getting my 7 YO a 50 cc dirt bike for xmas (and all the necessary safety gear)... I foresee broken bones, but that's the way I grew up...

I did a little searching about kids and doors off. Seems like some people were adamantly against it and others have had no issues with their doors off and small kids. I make sure all kids are in appropriately sized and buckled car seats so there is that.

I also have mesh screens that I've cut to fit the rear door openings. It is strong enough to deflect any rocks out of the cab. That was the biggest risk I see to doors off and kids.

I'm just curious what risks you see with young kids and doors off? Other than kids falling out and rocks coming in (which I have mitigated), I don't really see anything else that is a safety hazard that the doors would make a difference in. There are always larger runaway objects, hell 2 people have died in 5 years within a couple miles of my house because a semi lost a break drum or tire. No amount of door will stop that...

Anyways, what am I missing here? Does anyone have any horror stories they would like to share to educate me? I'm open to constructive criticism. Ultimately it may just come down to levels of risk aversion that everyone is comfortable with.

Anyways, cheers and I appreciate your input.

I have a 50 & a 70 for my kids too... so I’m down with them getting out and havin some fun... I’m just paranoid about the no doors with them back there... they undo a seat belt, or decide to jump out while I’m still moving, or I roll and they slip out... or arm/legs get caught up... I’d rather have that little extra protection. I’ve seen an adult jump out while the driver was moving and get caught up under a tire... it only takes a second. Kids do stupid shit.. Like I said though, I’m just paranoid about it.
I have a 50 & a 70 for my kids too... so I’m down with them getting out and havin some fun... I’m just paranoid about the no doors with them back there... they undo a seat belt, or decide to jump out while I’m still moving, or I roll and they slip out... or arm/legs get caught up... I’d rather have that little extra protection. I’ve seen an adult jump out while the driver was moving and get caught up under a tire... it only takes a second. Kids do stupid shit.. Like I said though, I’m just paranoid about it.

I really appreciate the feedback and I understand the paranoia. Kids definitely do some stupid shit! Hell I still do stupid shit and I'm 15 going on 38...

I've notice the oldest slouching in his booster seat and had to educate him on that. Sit up straight so you don't slide out and the seat belt works if we're in an accident. The middle has been educated on not unbuckling the seat on his own, he's done that before in the misses' vehicle. Youngest is too young but I'm sure we'll have some talks when she gets older about safety in the jeep. I think if I start seeing any of those bad behaviors I'll pull the no door privileges.

But they do love cruising around with no doors... I also don't do any interstate or heavy traffic driving with the kids and no doors. It's typically in/out of town for errands or school. Or weekend country road trips to nowhere.

Anyways, thank you for the feedback. You've given me some additional food for thought, I'll probably talk to the misses about it and make sure she's still comfortable. All I can do is try to mitigate the foreseeable risks and make sure they are obeying the vehicle rules. And react accordingly if they start disregarding them. Cheers.
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