Sno*Blind 2017 Kicks Off


Caught the Bug
Sno*Blind, hosted by Mud Chuggers in Michigan, is about to kick off. Arriving early, have grabbed a seat in the lobby to watch, greet, chat with folks. This is one of my favorite parts of an event, meeting new folks, greeting others, and watching what parks under the portico.

Shucks, even seeing other WAYALIFErs. :)IMG_0822.JPG

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Don't let the sunny day fool you. It's 15-20 MPH winds today and 19F. Cold. It'll be closer to 30F tomorrow, much appreciated. Even supposed to get 1-3" fresh snow.

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As night falls, about a dozen rigs in the lot. Dodge Rams are clearly tow vehicle of choice for those who trailered. Registration couldn't have gone smoother. About 106 rigs expected and 220 for the dinner events. IMG_0824.jpg

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As night falls, about a dozen rigs in the lot. Dodge Rams are clearly tow vehicle of choice for those who trailered. Registration couldn't have gone smoother. About 106 rigs expected and 220 for the dinner events. View attachment 243291

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Did you ever get pics of the event to post up? They've been doing this run for a long time and I never did get to go when I lived there. Always up to looking at wheeling pics from Mi.
Did you ever get pics of the event to post up? They've been doing this run for a long time and I never did get to go when I lived there. Always up to looking at wheeling pics from Mi.

Thanks for asking. Been so busy, I stashed them away...had a blast...didn't take a whole lot.

With this one, we struggle with the classic 'flattening' of the slope when taking a pic. Coming toward us it ramped up to about 30 deg incline while doing a 90 deg turn. I ended up losing my own rear fender on this one when the backend slipped into the ravine's wall.
SnoBlind 2017.jpg

This next one, it's kind of a sleeping looking hill. A solid 30 deg incline or so, wouldn't be a challenge w/o snow for most, but with snow it made life entertaining. One of the challenges is the muck masks the whoop'd'dos, so you've got to take it somewhat easy to avoid breaking something.
SnoBlind 2017-2.jpg

This next one eventually became impassible for the second half of our group. Once the overnight crust had worn off, leaving polished ice in the ruts after the first 3 jeeps, no one else was going to be making it up. Buddy Forat made a valiant try in this video...starting around time 1:10.

Back to that rip-the-fender-off thing. You know the sound of a snow shovel on concrete. Yep, like that, but from inside the shove :). We we right against the wall, ripped it off, stuffed snow in the right-rear door handle...but didn't touch the paint. Yes, I'm thankful for small blessings:)

The last three are just a bit of the rest. A fun event. Some folks found part of it very challenging. Interesting to see some really built-up rigs that couldn't get up a hill in the snow. Yet my stock JK just mosied up the same hill. Always interesting to try and predict who's got it nailed, and who you thought should've but didn't.
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