Do those Monster Masher tires and 12,000lb. winch get you to the supermarket for Wonderbread?

Used oil is used for dust control ..... maybe not in the urban settings where some of you live in the US, but it is used in certain situations here in rural Canada.
Right or wrong, it's done. Whether you or I agree with this practice .... it's still done, and is very effective.
You folks that don't work in resource industries may find this very hard to understand.
As scrhino mentions in his post .... there are other uses for this oil .... so be it.

As I mentioned previously, used motor oil does effectively curtail rust in some situations ..... good or bad, this practice does work.
Some of you folks get real pissy about these practices .... but, the fact is they are effective.

In case you haven't noticed, that message I sent you, you have to have approval to post. I approved this one. As stated, earlier in your special thread here, if you wish to be a member of this forum, you can post a public apology for trolling, and we will reconsider your suspension. If not, well, you've been shown the door.

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Used oil is used for dust control ..... maybe not in the urban settings where some of you live in the US, but it is used in certain situations here in rural Canada.
Right or wrong, it's done. Whether you or I agree with this practice .... it's still done, and is very effective.
You folks that don't work in resource industries may find this very hard to understand.
As scrhino mentions in his post .... there are other uses for this oil .... so be it.

As I mentioned previously, used motor oil does effectively curtail rust in some situations ..... good or bad, this practice does work.
Some of you folks get real pissy about these practices .... but, the fact is they are effective.

Used oil is used for dust control ..... maybe not in the urban settings where some of you live in the US, but it is used in certain situations here in rural Canada.
Right or wrong, it's done. Whether you or I agree with this practice .... it's still done, and is very effective.
You folks that don't work in resource industries may find this very hard to understand.
As scrhino mentions in his post .... there are other uses for this oil .... so be it.

As I mentioned previously, used motor oil does effectively curtail rust in some situations ..... good or bad, this practice does work.
Some of you folks get real pissy about these practices .... but, the fact is they are effective.

Eat a dick

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:cheesy: Man, you really have issues with this "urban" thing, don't you? Must have been traumatized in some "urban" setting a time or two in your life?

Sure, oil on roads keeps the dust down. Just like cutting a guy's dick off is birth control. Both work but a little on the crude side, don't you think?
:cheesy: Man, you really have issues with this "urban" thing, don't you? Must have been traumatized in some "urban" setting a time or two in your life?

Sure, oil on roads keeps the dust down. Just like cutting a guy's dick off is birth control. Both work but a little on the crude side, don't you think?

Hahaha! That is a good analogy! I might have to borrow that one sometime.

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My my Macarena Man, decide to explore some "Urban" areas last week?

Headline: Man dressed as the Joker arrested in Winchester, Va.

Too ironic! I saw that headline yesterday and this jackhole was the first person I thought of. I almost posted it as well :cheesy:

:cheesy: That dude really made great impressions on us if he's the first guy we thought of when we saw this!
Death Valley Adventure

I've been going to Death Valley for around 30 years now. First in passenger cars then in Motorhomes and now in my Jeep. It's a vast, beautiful and intimidating place.

My most recent trip was just a couple of days ago and my GF Erin and her 3 dogs came along. She made a quick video of our adventure.

There are several old buildings, mines and honestly a ton of history. Some of these buildings can be used on a first come, first served basis. I'll describe a small fraction of it but every time I go there I learn something new.
This trail is pretty easy and stock vehicles with high clearance will be able to do it but it's Very remote and there's no cell signal for most of the trip. Go with a friend of be well prepared just in case.
Again, most of the route is dirt with some areas with some medium sized rocks but nothing a stock Jeep can't negotiate.

I've had a couple of people ask for me to do a write up so, here it goes.

From the Los Angeles area you go in through the 178 near Ridgecrest which takes you through Trona and the Searles Valley, a very small town with the principal industry being mineral processing..
Here is a pic as you drop down into the valley.

Next is the intersection of Trona Wildrose rd and Ballerat Rd where you turn right. There is a marker at the intersection that describes some of the local history of the area and ghost town of Ballerat.
From Ballerat you turn right on Wingate Rd and head south about 15 miles to Coyote Canyon Rd. and turn left and head into Goler wash.
As you wind your way up the canyon you come to an old building named Newman cabin.
As you continue into the canyon you get to the actual boundary of Death Valley National Park.
The sign also directs you to Barker Ranch and Butte Valley.

Barker Ranch is somewhat infamous as one of the hangouts and ultimately where Charles Manson and his followers were captured. Unfortunately back in 2009 the structure caught fire... They don't know if it was set on purpose. There are indications it may have been a camp fire that got out of control.
Here are some pics of before and now.
IMG_0017.JPGIMG_0028.JPGBarker 2.jpgBarker 3.jpg

After Barker Ranch go back to the main trail and hang a right to get back to the main trail. A little further on you'll come across a pass with a Cairn and marker for Carl Mengal of which the pass is named after.
After you finish at the pass, I usually have lunch there, you continue down in Butte Valley and the Geologist's cabin.

This cabin is usually well stocked and surprisingly clean... Please leave it better than you found it.

Once you leave the Geologist's cabin out in the valley you'll see Striped Butte and the road to Warm Springs. Warm Springs has some buildings, a pool (not in use) and the remains of an old Talc mine.
There is a group here rehabbing some of the area

I usually continue on and end up after a long uneventful drive at Badwater Rd... In the middle of nowhere.
I think it's about 300 miles to get back to Los Angeles from there. If you chose this route you will find Baker Ca. about 86 miles from where you hit pavement.
I believe next time I'll just go back the way I came through the Panamint mountains.

I hope you enjoy
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Death Valley Adventure

So cool of you to share this with us and offer up the video as well. Thanks for taking us along! DV is just on my to do list as is a bit more of the Mojave.
I've been meaning to do an extended camping trip with the trailer into Death Valley for a couple years now...maybe next fall. Thanks for the pics...
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