2012 Stock Rear Bumper: Free for Pick Up in So-Cal


I still have my stock rear bumper and am looking to make some room in the shed. Its in perfect condition just a little dusty from sitting. Its free to good owner who is willing to come get it. I'm in Apple Valley, CA send me a PM in you're interested.
Just tripped over this today. Still have it and still free. I'd be willing to meet depending on the distance from Apple Valley for the nominal charge of beer...;). It's in perfect condition just dusty. I'll even clean it off. I also realized I still have my front air dam. So if you act in the next 10 mins I'll throw that in free! So just to review what you'll get. If you come get it you get not only the bumper but an air dam and I'll prob offer a beer or two as well. If you'd like me to meet you you'll get the bumper and the air dam all for the low cost of beer...haha. Hurry supplies are limited to one rear bumper and one front air dam.
Its been a couple months and this thing hasn't moved so I figured I'd bump it back to the top..;) Someone has to have a need or want for this...haha
As Fall is nearing I figured I bump my bumper to the top of the for-sale list. The offer in post #2 still stands to who ever would come take this off of my hands. Can't bear the idea of throwing it away so come and get it!...haha. If I make it to the So-Call suds n grub I'll bring it. If no one wants it maybe we can hold a raffle.
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