A wave from far, far,far away..............


New member
Hi every one!
the far,far,far away place is a good, pretty country names call Taiwan!
I'm a new guy here and not a JKU owner yet actually!
BUT!! I'm going to CA for a filming program and most important thing to get a JKU back next week!! yah!..... :D
I wish can meet some guys there who have a JK and got some experience about purchase a JK and build it.
actually I do need some helps form you guys to let me get some knowlege of it and maybe some good deals!
so if some one have free time within that period. hope can meet you at somewhere in CA and let me buy you a drink! (or dinner?)
my trip period are 6/18 to 7/3.

hope can get some replys!

vincent Lu
Welcome to Wayalife. Safe travels and good luck with your Jeep purchase. I'm sure there's someone in that area that will be able to help.
Welcome to the family and the states. Drive on the right side of the road and practice shooting the bird with your left hand. You will use that finger often... LOL... Make sure you bring your camera and visit Wal Mart.
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