My Old YJ in the Wild


New member
I have seen my Old YJ in a nearby town on numerous occasions. I would love to buy it back, or at least ask the owner that if they are ever interested in selling to give me a call. I would prefer to do this without looking like a stalker, but I think that will be impossible. I know I will see it again. Any suggestions?

I have a JKU and have actually exchanged Jeep Waves with the driver of my old YJ while driving my current JKU. Very surreal.
Heck, just follow him somewhere & ask him. Jeepers are usually pretty friendly & don't mind talking Jeeps.
Heck, just follow him somewhere & ask him. Jeepers are usually pretty friendly & don't mind talking Jeeps.

This. I hit up jeep people all the time. Usually it is good. Sometimes it's bad. Hit up a guy the other day about his nicely built up Rubi. He was incredibly rude and didn't know a damn thing about his jeep. So I called him a douche and told his girl friend that they both should see other men. Lol.
This. I hit up jeep people all the time. Usually it is good. Sometimes it's bad. Hit up a guy the other day about his nicely built up Rubi. He was incredibly rude and didn't know a damn thing about his jeep. So I called him a douche and told his girl friend that they both should see other men. Lol.

He probably saw your WAL decal and thought you were going to try to sell him some cats. :cheesy:
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