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There’s always been homeless but not at the levels it is today the government handouts and drug use have completely destroyed peoples lives . Just south of the Phoenix capital there is a city block that looks like this you can smell it from a ways away. Mad Maxine met with a bunch the other day when they got a little rowdy she told them all to go home 😳
There’s always been homeless but not at the levels it is today the government handouts and drug use have completely destroyed peoples lives . Just south of the Phoenix capital there is a city block that looks like this you can smell it from a ways away. Mad Maxine met with a bunch the other day when they got a little rowdy she told them all to go home 😳
When you fight drugs with drugs I’m not sure what they expect.
There’s always been homeless but not at the levels it is today the government handouts and drug use have completely destroyed peoples lives . Just south of the Phoenix capital there is a city block that looks like this you can smell it from a ways away. Mad Maxine met with a bunch the other day when they got a little rowdy she told them all to go home 😳
Also there is more of just not giving a fuck and setting up these big encampments hoping for free shit and harassing people for hamdouts.
It's hard to imagine there was a time, not too long ago when something like that was only what you saw on the news, in other countries and ones that were ravaged by war and famine.

Instead of being ravaged by war and famine we are up against the very worst of the worst:
It’s called Socialism. No ever nation survives it.

I am a stranger in a strange land. I never thought I’d see this shit in America, however I guess you get the government you deserve or tolerate.

"We are ready to accept almost any explanation of the present crisis of our civilization except one: that the present state of the world may be the result of genuine error on our own part and that the pursuit of some of our most cherished ideals has apparently produced results utterly different from those which we expected."

--Friedrich Hayek
Not sure where people get the idea that their reps have a major disconnect with the people in their district.

"Waters told the gathering of mostly homeless people Friday that “you cannot get Section 8 vouchers here.” And later, “I want everybody to go home.”

The response was fast and angry, a voice from the crowd yelling, “We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here. What home we gonna go to?"

Not sure where people get the idea that their reps have a major disconnect with the people in their district.

"Waters told the gathering of mostly homeless people Friday that “you cannot get Section 8 vouchers here.” And later, “I want everybody to go home.”

The response was fast and angry, a voice from the crowd yelling, “We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here. What home we gonna go to?"

Mad Maxine has been profiting from exploiting other people‘s misery for years. She has become extremely wealthy from her government ‘service’. Anybody that votes for her is an idiot.
Not sure where people get the idea that their reps have a major disconnect with the people in their district.

"Waters told the gathering of mostly homeless people Friday that “you cannot get Section 8 vouchers here.” And later, “I want everybody to go home.”

The response was fast and angry, a voice from the crowd yelling, “We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here. What home we gonna go to?"

25 billion for section 8 and it keeps growing. democrats have created an "enslavement" environment and feed them just enough to get the vote in the next election cycle. This is why black democrats will never see the light, they are continuously blinded by a shiny promise which is intended to keep them poor and under control.
poor and under control, Alex what is _______ for 1000
25 billion for section 8 and it keeps growing. democrats have created an "enslavement" environment and feed them just enough to get the vote in the next election cycle. This is why black democrats will never see the light, they are continuously blinded by a shiny promise which is intended to keep them poor and under control.
poor and under control, Alex what is _______ for 1000
Black people still vote democrat? Joe and the Hoe that convincing? I'm sure it will all work out. Let's Go Brandon.
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