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That’s a great idea for HOAs to do that to get everyone out to meet the neighbors.
Yeah it’s cool and usually has a good turnout. Tonight was a family movie night on a big inflatable screen. They’ve been doing an event almost monthly and they usually have a food truck here just about every week. Lately they’ve been having the Four Legs Brewery in here which is cool cuz it’s local and pretty damn good.
Belle did work as a crossing guard for a time, but was fired for swatting the ankles of dawdling children 🧒 👦 👧

I wanted the bright color and reflective stripe for high visibility when we take her outside. If she should get spooked and run off, she’ll be easier to see so we can find her and to help keep her from getting hit by a car.

We put her in the vest to make it easier to handle her at the vet’s. Last time, she was quite the handful. This time, much less drama and stress.
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View attachment 377764
View attachment 377765

Flew in to Portland yesterday. Had an awesome set of pilots that let my kids hang out in the cockpit for a bit. The captain came in and hit some buttons to sound alarms and whatnot too. Was cool to see some guys that weren’t just about policy and procedure for a change. My kids are still talking about it.
That’s awesome…and I know someone who owns a flight school in CA, lmk…
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