Random Internet Shit you've come across

Something you should never forget- the worse things get the more individuals will be required to rely on the Gov.

What scares the hell out of Big Gov politicians (of either party) is a populace that doesn’t need them. What they love is your dependence and when they have control over you and can run your life.
If the ‘Rona didn’t prove this to you nothing will.

All the bad things that we see happening are being done TO you by the Gov. This isn’t conspiracy- it’s statistically impossible for them to be this wrong on everything.

These things are purposely being done to you in order to change the relationship between you and Gov. To make you totally dependent. There is nothing that has gotten better because of Gov involvement. Nothing.
Something you should never forget- the worse things get the more individuals will be required to rely on the Gov.

What scares the hell out of Big Gov politicians (of either party) is a populace that doesn’t need them. What they love is your dependence and when they have control over you and can run your life.
If the ‘Rona didn’t prove this to you nothing will.

All the bad things that we see happening are being done TO you by the Gov. This isn’t conspiracy- it’s statistically impossible for them to be this wrong on everything.

These things are purposely being done to you in order to change the relationship between you and Gov. To make you totally dependent. There is nothing that has gotten better because of Gov involvement. Nothing.

If anyone still thinks the current state of affairs is all a bunch of non-connected bullshit conspiracy nonsense, well, good luck to you. I'm not a doom and gloom pusher. I just don't believe in ANYTHING the establishment espouses any longer. Politics, monetary policy, media, conventional wisdom, none of it. Scientists, nutritionists, doctors, politicians, journalists, all of them, are beholden to money received one way or another. Just look at what happened with Covid. Is there really anyone left that still thinks the MRNA Vaccines were a good idea? Fucking people are still dropping over and dying from this goddam thing.

A really good case in point is the Carnivore diet Ovie's on. I didn't realize he was on it and I've been doing a bunch of research on this over the past few months. I'm not ready to commit to that lifestyle yet, but it's damn compelling. But if you listen to the critics you're gonna keel over with blocked arteries. Do some digging. I mean some real digging, and you'll find the whole nutritional recommendations espoused by the 'experts' are based on bullshit data and studies pushed by the food industry.

Do yourself a favor: Question everything and do your own research. You'll be the better for it
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