Random Internet Shit you've come across

Little green army dudes have come a long way since I used to melt them with hair spray and a lighter…
I came across a company a few years ago that was making Army Men using the original green army men molds, except they made them out of solid silver. Army men were such a part of my childhood I have two of them on my computer desk, the prone rifleman even has the M16 barrel that curves down like all the original plastic ones did. The more the silver tarnishes the better they look.
when I started paying attention to politics in my 20's, I realized what a 2-faced racist POS this man was, still is. zero respect
I don't know how they have hidden it from their supporters so well, but the Democratic party founded the KKK and the last well known Presidential candidate from the KKK, David Duke, ran in the Democratic primaries. "They" (Democrats) try to sweep it all away as being ancient history. Only problem is "They" (Democrats) are the ones that like to bring up "ancient" history about anyone that is against "their" agenda.

No, the Republicans aren't squeaky clean, but the Dems swivel so fast and so often I don't know how most of them don't have whiplash.
I came across a company a few years ago that was making Army Men using the original green army men molds, except they made them out of solid silver. Army men were such a part of my childhood I have two of them on my computer desk, the prone rifleman even has the M16 barrel that curves down like all the original plastic ones did. The more the silver tarnishes the better they look.
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Your squad machine gunner must have been a Brit…
He got what was coming to him.

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