So fuckin rad. Super stoked for you guys. You’ve been working hard for soooo long and really deserve to start seeing all that work pay off. Are you guys planning to keep your place in Carson City and the other ranch?
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Congratulations on your forever home, that's what Kim and I keep calling our next home once we find it.
But you and Cindy have found the dream.
Well Done! (y)
It looks like you bought the farm! Congratulations on the purchase. Between three properties you have a lot to take care of. Growing plants is a form of remedial therapy.
Congrats to you both. After first reading, I wasn’t sure if Cindy was going to have to change her screen name. Sounds like not yet.

look forward to seeing more of your new adventures in farming and updates to the place.
Congratulations on your new piece of HEAVEN! Looks like you have the ideal basecamp from which to do all of your favorite things and no people around to bother you. Jealous AF.
Thank you :)
So fuckin rad. Super stoked for you guys. You’ve been working hard for soooo long and really deserve to start seeing all that work pay off. Are you guys planning to keep your place in Carson City and the other ranch?
Thank you and yes, the plan is to keep everything, for now anyway.
Congratulations on your forever home, that's what Kim and I keep calling our next home once we find it.
But you and Cindy have found the dream.
Well Done! (y)
Thank you and we wish you the best of luck in finding what you're looking for :)
It looks like you bought the farm! Congratulations on the purchase. Between three properties you have a lot to take care of. Growing plants is a form of remedial therapy.
LOL - indeed we did and thank you.
Congrats to you both. After first reading, I wasn’t sure if Cindy was going to have to change her screen name. Sounds like not yet.

look forward to seeing more of your new adventures in farming and updates to the place.
Thank you and no, Cindy won't be needing to change her name anytime soon. Although, I don't think it'd kill her to make that happen sooenr than later LOL.
Awesome guys!!!! Congratulations!!!
Thank you, we really do appreciate it.
That is awesome!!! Congratulations Eddie and Cindy! That looks like a really nice place to enjoy what you guys like and want to do. I don’t think that kind of move is crazy. Like you said, once time is gone, it’s gone. Enjoy life and what makes you happy.
Congratulations you guys, that’s awesome! I hope it will provide all that you’re looking for. It looks like a great property and I look forward to watching the progress.
LOL - that's about right. And, now I have that song stuck in my head :ROFLMAO:
LOL - that would be about right only, it's Cindy that wants to do the farming 😁
That is awesome!!! Congratulations Eddie and Cindy! That looks like a really nice place to enjoy what you guys like and want to do. I don’t think that kind of move is crazy. Like you said, once time is gone, it’s gone. Enjoy life and what makes you happy.
Thank you. I'd be the first to say that the place is far from perfect but then, what is and really, perfect isn't what we were looking for. Something that was a project and that we needed to work on, is. :)
Congrats! When will the "Don't be drive'n on my grass" sign be going in? ;)

Steph and I are looking forward to seeing your new farm in person.
:ROFLMAO: Boy, does that ever bring back memories! Hope the two of you can come up and see it sooner than later. :)
OMG! I just had an unsettling mental image of Eddie in a big cowboy hat and pressed Levi jeans.
LOL - that is a guy and an image that I'm not sure I could ever replicate if I tried 😁
Congratulations you guys, that’s awesome! I hope it will provide all that you’re looking for. It looks like a great property and I look forward to watching the progress.
Thank you. It'll be a work in progress for sure but one that we're looking forward to.
LOL - that's about right. And, now I have that song stuck in my head :ROFLMAO:
My work here is done!
LOL - that would be about right only, it's Cindy that wants to do the farming 😁
I thought about putting Cindy's face on Oliver's body and you face on Lisa's, but I don't have the skillsLOL - that is a guy and an image that I'm not sure I could ever replicate if I tried 😁

LOL - that is a guy and an image that I'm not sure I could ever replicate if I tried 😁
You could go for a more traditional look
Unlike money, something that you can always make more of, time... time is finite and once it's gone, it's gone forever. Recently, Cindy and I have been thinking about this a lot - way more than ever before and because of it, we decided to make some changes in how we live our life. Changes in what's important to us, changes in where we want to be and maybe more importantly, changes in what we really want to be doing.

For Cindy, she's always wanted a farm or at least, a bigger patch of ground to work and grow all the things she's ever wanted and without the kind of restrictions you have living in a city. For me, I've been wanting a place where I could still play with Jeeps except, turn it back into something that I really enjoyed. This as opposed to being a job, albeit a fun one but a job none the less and one that I've been doing for well over 20 years. For both of us, we've been wanting a place that we could call our own, that had beautiful views in every direction, was far from our neighbors and had wide open land to explore and right from our back door.

Well, as much of a pipe dream as that may have been and for years, Cindy finally found a place that checks off all the boxes for us and as of today, we are now the proud owners of what we call, the EDGE of PIZEN.

This property was originally a part of a much larger homestead that goes way back to the 1850's but over the years, it had been split up, sold off and more recently, bought up by corporate entities. Needless to say, this 4 acre patch is all that's left of this particular farm and we're happy to call it ours.


The best part about this place, for us anyway, is that our nearest neighbor is almost 1 mile away and just out our back gate, we have over 1 million acres of BLM and National Forest land to explore and with mile after endless mile of trails extending in every direction!

Here's a shot standing at the front gate looking across the road and to the north.

Shot from the west fence looking out across our neighbors field.

Shot from the north fence looking out.

View to the east and with wide open land as far as the eye can see.

As far as the home goes, I'd be the first to say that it's far from being anything to write home about. Essentially, it's an old mobile home built in the 1960's and was added to an even older structure that was built in the early 20th century. The previous owner said that the cellar part of it used to be the foundation of an old school house but we haven't been able to verify that. We we do know is that the California Emigrant Trail Sonora Route passed right through this area and the dirt road adjacent to it was the main route to a a once prosperous ghost town to the south. That said, the home was taken care of and it's still very much useable today but we have future plans that will most likely not include it.


This old garage is one of 2 remaining structures that are still standing and in their original form. According to county records, it was built back in 1954.

The other structure is this old shed.

And as you can see, it's been adorned with metal artifacts that the previous owner found on the property.

This is a shot inside the "Great Room". The structure was built in 1964 but the cellar below goes way further back than that.

The real score, for us anyway, is that the property comes with electricity/big power, has a good well that puts out a 24 gpm of clean water, has a brand new 1500 gallon concrete septic tank, is outfitted with propane and oil and maybe best of all, it has a 30x70 (what we have in Carson City now), fully insulated shop and with a 16 foot roof that was built in 2018!



If there is a down side to the shop is that a lot of it was built out with multiple storage rooms and a 2nd story loft that we'll have to demo a lot of it to make it useable for our needs.



The back of the shop does have a kitchenette and bathroom which is nice but we'll most likely redo the whole area and make it into a nice guest quarter.


Back outside and to finish things up, we do have a couple of very nice and large chicken coops, one of which we'll probably convert into a green house.

We even have a very new mare motel should we ever decide to get horses.

Last but maybe not least, we are fortunate to be situated between the east and west forks of the Walker River and because of it, we have irrigation ditches surrounding us.


I'm sure a lot of you will think we're crazy and I'll be honest, I'm right there with you. However, I can honestly say that it's been a long time since Cindy and I have been as happy as we truly are with the direction we're taking in our life in right now.

Hope you'll check back with future updates from the EDGE of PIZEN :cool:
Outstanding! Congratulations you two! This is an awesome place with tons of potential. Here’s to finding your heart’s desire.
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