Duck left on my door handle

Got dicked today… 🤣 Some SOB put it on my spare tire. Went to back up today and saw this green dick on my screen.

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I've considered getting some of those and putting them on all 4 tires on my brother in laws grand Cherokee. Get the darker colored ones to see how long it'd take him to notice. I hid a ceramic unicorn in his flower bed one time and he missed it for months.
I've considered getting some of those and putting them on all 4 tires on my brother in laws grand Cherokee. Get the darker colored ones to see how long it'd take him to notice. I hid a ceramic unicorn in his flower bed one time and he missed it for months.
I hung truck nuts up under my sisters expedition on the spare tire. She drove around for over a year, dropped the kids off at the church school. I could not keep a straight face everytime I saw her.
My wife got ducked twice while camping at the lake this weekend. I should've taken a pic to post, but didn't think about it. She gets ducked frequently by strangers. lol
Ive received precisely 1 duck. I feel like getting a duck during a meet is cheating lol.
I am up to two ducks now. Unfortunately, I did not see the ladies who put them there (both times wedged in the door-handle) since I understand that they were drop-dead gorgeous, like super-models. That is apparently the norm.
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