Why was my thread deleted?

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Probably also falls under the prohibition of soliciting, but whatever. :crazyeyes:
Not to mention peer pressure and ridicule. :yup:

Fixed it for you. :thumb:


Obviously, I am just kidding. I'd prefer that you stay myself. But seriously, if you have that thin of skin, you're right, it probably isn't the right forum for you.

Good luck on the contest!

Thanks and I agree with ^^^^. 👍
An admin gave you a reason as to why you're thread was deleted. There is no need to be upset, if other members upset you just ignore them.

By the way I do support the idea of having a real girl who wheels win this contest though not a random model who doens't know the first thing about Jeeps.
Whatever dude. If you had a vagina that qualified you to possibly win $1,000 towards PSC parts you would do the same thing.

Well it was fun, WAL. This is not the forum for me. Too many egos.

And apparently not enough people willing to use their vaginas to get free stuff.

At first I appreciated the fact that you were a "jeepin' girl" as opposed to some brainless model and I liked the idea of a real woman representing jeep stuff. Then you opened your mouth and proved you are no different than a model...just trying to use what's between your neck and your knees to get yourself something for free. Oh, the irony.
And apparently not enough people willing to use their vaginas to get free stuff.

Then you opened your legs and used your mouth to get yourself something for free. Oh, the irony.

Weird, I read it as this. ^^^^ :cheesy::cheesy:
Weird, I read it as this. ^^^^ :cheesy::cheesy:

Holy shit that made me laugh so hard. Glad to see other people are like minded.

At first I also thought I would like to see a real jeep girl, then I thought wtf...why not a real jeep dude... then I reconsidered and thought nope.. rather see a hot girl... and jeep parts... not necessarily in the same ad.
I kinda feel that the products should sell themselves. I think if you have to put a half naked girl in your ad, you should be obligated to include one with each purchase of said product.
First of all, the vagina comment was simply to state that the contest is only open to WOMEN. Had it been open to men, I bet money there would have been a bunch of men looking for support trying to win it too.

Second of all, I am NOT one of the half naked chicks trying to use "whats between their neck and knees" to get something for free. Go ahead and scour the internet and tell me when you find a picture of me half naked sprawled out trying to win something. OH WAIT. You won't!

Way to pick something apart and twist it to use for your own instigating of an argument. For those who missed the first thread, I was looking for support to be voted next Spyder Girl SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE I AM NOT SOME SLUTTY MODEL SELLING HER BODY FOR ATTENTION. I mentioned that I am not the size 0 knockout I used to be because of being injured and now disabled. Overlander so graciously chimed in as to support his preference for typical size zero bimbos and getting said bimbos drunk because a womans personality don't matter. Overlander can have his preference and I don't care, but it was stupid to even post that on a thread that everyone else was supportive of.

So thank you very much for being a big group of internet tough guys. I've had my fill of being around PIGS thanks to the Army, and I'm done being in that kind of environment. Your skin might be a little bit "thin" in this subject if you had fought off multiple attempted assaults too, you fucking pieces of shit.

And please, never come to Texas.
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First of all, the vagina comment was simply to state that the contest is only open to WOMEN. Had it been open to men, I bet money there would have been a bunch of men looking for support trying to win it too.

Second of all, I am NOT one of the half naked chicks trying to use "whats between their neck and knees" to get something for free. Go ahead and scour the internet and tell me when you find a picture of me half naked sprawled out trying to win something. OH WAIT. You won't!

Way to pick something apart and twist it to use for your own instigating of an argument. For those who missed the first thread, I was looking for support to be voted next Spyder Girl SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE I AM NOT SOME SLUTTY MODEL SELLING HER BODY FOR ATTENTION. I mentioned that I am not the size 0 knockout I used to be because of being injured and now disabled. Overlander so graciously chimed in as to support his preference for typical size zero bimbos and getting said bimbos drunk because a womans personality don't matter. Overlander can have his preference and I don't care, but it was stupid to even post that on a thread that everyone else was supportive of.

So thank you very much for being a big group of internet tough guys. I've had my fill of being around PIGS thanks to the Army, and I'm done being in that kind of environment. Your skin might be a little bit "thin" in this subject if you had fought off multiple attempted assaults too, you fucking pieces of shit.

And please, never come to Texas.

Holy shit that made me laugh so hard. Glad to see other people are like minded.

Well, I'm kind of known for being politically incorrect. Which is OK I guess since I'm not know for Jeep'n. Other than my local Sam's Club/Walmart parking lot. :crazyeyes:

First of all, ........ Second of all, ........ And, ..................................................

So thank you very much for being a big group of internet tough guys. I've had my fill of being around PIGS thanks to the Army, and I'm done being in that kind of environment. Your skin might be a little bit "thin" in this subject if you had fought off multiple attempted assaults too, you fucking pieces of shit.

And please, never come to Texas.

So our comments are now equal to an assault?

Your brother doesn't happen to be Combat Vet JK? :cheesy:

Maybe you should look at your first of this thread. We were just responding in the same tone you started in. So I guess that makes you some Internet Tough girl?
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