TF Rear Trackbar Question


New member
Whats going on guys got kind of a dumb question here but I failed jr high geometry so I need some help. After running my TF 2.5 coil lift for almost 3 years I am now noticing that my rear axle is offcenter about 3/4 of an inch towards the drivers side. So im looking to pull my drivers side tire in. As seen in the pic my rear trackbar is mounted on the lower hole. If I switch to the higher hole will that pull my drivers side axle in or make it worse with the tire sticking out even more? Im asking you guys before I switch mounting holes only to find out I made it worse. Thanks

i think it would make it worse if you moved it up to the top hole. do you have an adjustable TB or is it the stock one?
If you did a 2.5 lift it should go up to the hole that's 2.5 higher. This is were a adjustable trackbar helps center axle.
its the stock trackbar. im guessing in order to pull the drivers side in the trackbar would have to be shorter? not sure if raising or lowering the bar would do that
If you did a 2.5 lift it should go up to the hole that's 2.5 higher. This is were a adjustable trackbar helps center axle.

so your saying the bracket doesnt center the axle just keeps the trackbar more level? I was under the impression the bracket did both. Is anyone running this lift with a stock rear trackbar and bracket with a centered axle?
As mentioned, putting it on the higher setting will cause your axle to move more toward the driver side. Ideally, you would want a shorter track bar to correct this problem but, being that you are running a factory one, you won't be able to do this. As it would appear, you have more correction than you have lift. And really, it's no big deal that your axle is off though. If you think about it, it's always off a bit depending on how much weight you have in your Jeep, it's just the nature of solid axles.
I have this exact same lift. I was not able to get my rear axel centered to my OCD liking with that bracket. I scrapped the bracket and replaced my factory track bar with an adjustable track bar. Oh I wish I found this forum before I learned everything the hard way.. I would have done it all much differently.

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so your saying the bracket doesnt center the axle just keeps the trackbar more level? I was under the impression the bracket did both. Is anyone running this lift with a stock rear trackbar and bracket with a centered axle?

If you raised 2.5 it would keep the geometry the same as stock raising the trackbar 2.5.
Would keep your roll centers the same.
It's really not a huge deal for hem to not be centered but it is nice to have a adjustable rack bar to do so.
so your saying the bracket doesnt center the axle just keeps the trackbar more level? I was under the impression the bracket did both. Is anyone running this lift with a stock rear trackbar and bracket with a centered axle?

Your impression is correct, it does do both. Relocation brackets are great as they correct suspension geometry and recenter your axle but, they cannot be fine tuned to the actual amount of lift you have. Of course, this will change depending on how much gear and passengers you have in your Jeep.
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