Mojave Cross Desert Camping Trip - Novemeber 17th


Staff member

For those of you who are interested, we will be planning an off-road/camping trip out in the Mojave Desert on the weekend of November 17th. The plan is to visit the controversial Mojave Cross and then do some exploring out in the Preserve. So you know, this will be an easy trip with no minimum vehicle requirements and anyone is welcome to join us. In other words, if you're looking to do some hardcore low range wheeling, this won't be the trip for you. Aside from camping gear, a camera and a good pair of boots, about the only thing you need to bring with you is a desire to have fun!

The Plan:
We will be meeting up at Bravo Burger in Victorville and rolling by 8:30 AM. If you want to join Cindy and I for breakfast, we'll be there at 7:30 AM. From there, we'll be heading out across I-15 and into the Mojave National Preserve. Our first stop along the way will be over at the newly established Mojave Cross War Memorial. This is after all the whole reason why we planned this trip. From there, we will make our way off pavement and to our camp site for night. The following morning, we'll be giving the option for people to just head on out for home or, to join us for more sight seeing as we make our way back toward Barstow.

What You Will Need:
• As mentioned, this will be an easy trip and there will be no minimum vehicle requirements.
• A CB radio is highly recommended but, not required.
• It will be cold - REALLY COLD at night and so you will NEED to pack accordingly. Make sure to bring enough warm cloths, a tent and a sleeping bag is rated low enough to keep you comfortable all night long.
• Make sure to bring a good pair of boots.
• Even though it won't be hot out, you need to make sure to pack plenty of water for you and your passengers. This is still the desert and the rule of thumb is 1 gallon of water per person per day.
• You also need to pack enough food for you and your passengers as you will need to feed yourselves. Also, pack snacks and be prepaired to munch while driving - this is a big group and I can't always guarantee when we'll be stopping for lunch.
• You NEED to be prepaired to pack out what you pack in. There are no trash facilities anywhere along the trail and you are responsible for hauling everything back out with you.
• You NEED to be prepaired to dig holes and bury your shit. There are no toilets on this trip and there's nothing worse than people leaving shit and shit-stained streamers of toilet paper flying through the desert.
• Again, it will be cold at night and everyone is REQUIRED to bring a bundle of wood.

Please note that this trip is weather permitting. So far, the forcast is clear and we're good to go but, there might be a storm coming in and if it does, this trip may be rescheduled. If you think you might be interested in joining us, please let us know by making a post in this thread. Be sure to check back often as I will be sure to post up more information as soon as I can. :yup:

Who's Going List:
1. Cindy & Eddie
2. JeepFan & Stephanie
3. Trail Bud
4. Mcpuck & Lori
5. ChrisB & Jen
6. Moochie
7. IrvineJK
8. blazer
9. JKRay
10. Blonda & sm_rubi
11. Strainger
12. zombjep
13. mm4x4
14. my_jk
:grayno: You would have to pick that weekend...LOL I'm coaching my sons soccer team and that is the last week of the regular season. Maybe I'll be able to make the next one.
If I'm in Vegas that week for work and can break away for a bit, I'll drive down to hang out for a while. Doubt I'll camp though.

So put me down as a maybe.
:grayno: You would have to pick that weekend...LOL I'm coaching my sons soccer team and that is the last week of the regular season. Maybe I'll be able to make the next one.

oh man, really?? sorry about that. hope you can make the next one :)

Way cool. Put me done as a maybe, I'm going to try to move some things around to make this.

cool - hope you can make it happen :yup:

Good!!! It's been to long Doug..,

Add Jen and I to the list

awesome!! got you added to the list :thumb:
Very cool! Count me in.

you got it :thumb:

I might be down. Well see what the work schedule is.

cool - hope you can make it :yup:

If I'm in Vegas that week for work and can break away for a bit, I'll drive down to hang out for a while. Doubt I'll camp though.

So put me down as a maybe.

oh come on, you've gotta camp with us, that's the best part :wings:

I want to go. :)

awesome, you are added my friend :beer:
Going to check the vacation board at work and see if it's available.:fingerscrossed: Or I may just have to be sick that weekend.:dont_tell:
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