Woman.... Nuff said


New member
So got to my new job and there is a new desk lady. I was having a hard time wiping all the drool off my mouth as I was speaking with her. The more we talked the better she got, loves skiing, riding quads, rides motorcycles, and is learning to fly helicopters. Needless to say she is gorgeous and sounds pretty darn awesome. Problem is I'm sure most of the guys have already been hitting on her, I need a tactic that gives me the upper edge. I don't just want a 1 night stand, I actually want to take the girl out and get to know her. Ideas?????
Tell her you're gay, she'll let her guard down and you're in!

Might help you with the boss too, who knows...
Tell her you're gay, she'll let her guard down and you're in!

Might help you with the boss too, who knows...

I'll try and find an alternate tactic. Last thing I need is guys at work thinking I'm gay when I will be flying in a small cockpit with them lol
Be yourself, learn about her and what you have in common. Ask her to join you in one of the activities you both like doing and then show her you bank account or your Johnson whatever's bigger. Lmao. Seriously everything but that last part though.
Be yourself, learn about her and what you have in common. Ask her to join you in one of the activities you both like doing and then show her you bank account or your Johnson whatever's bigger. Lmao. Seriously everything but that last part though.

I was kinda thinking I'd ask her what there is to do around here for New Years tomorrow at work since I'm new around here. Kinda hopin she will invite me to hang out with her or her and her friends. Good idea?
I was kinda thinking I'd ask her what there is to do around here for New Years tomorrow at work since I'm new around here. Kinda hopin she will invite me to hang out with her or her and her friends. Good idea?

Ahhh my 1st post.

That sounds like a good plan. You have that innocent thing going because you are the "new kid" BUT be cool and swav... The second you feel that she may already have plans..just leave it at that and don't push. Like you said she's prob use to be hit on and you'll just end up in that big pot. All in all just be cool, and confident...woman can sense when a man isn't confident a mile away and that is a big turn off for them.
Ahhh my 1st post.

That sounds like a good plan. You have that innocent thing going because you are the "new kid" BUT be cool and swav... The second you feel that she may already have plans..just leave it at that and don't push. Like you said she's prob use to be hit on and you'll just end up in that big pot. All in all just be cool, and confident...woman can sense when a man isn't confident a mile away and that is a big turn off for them.

Ya that all makes sense. Guess all I can do is give it a shot. Going to be a really boring new year if I spend it alone
Don't think too much about it. I'm in the same lonesome boat (by choice)! It's just another day and before you know it all this holiday crap will be over lol.

Yeah just play it cool and don't mention that you may spend the New Year alone, (that sounds too loser-like for woman) make up a story about a buddy may come into town and you and your bud intend to party hop, tell her she's welcome to come along with one of her friends. If she says sure...cool! Tomorrow night make up another story about your bud totally back peddled on the plan. In the end you'll be hanging with two hotties for the new year:D
How old are you? Most Mature women dont like the idea of a man who is still into partying like a frat kid. Dont let her know your shy, be confident in yourself, a little cocky but not too much, just enough for her to tell that you are very confident in yourself. Bring up conversations where she has room to relate and talk about herself. Trust me, women hate men that constantly talk about themselves, they want to be the center of attention. If she is learning to fly and your an instructor, invite her on a ride and tell her you can teach her a few things. Once done, ask if shes hungry, take her for a nice bite to eat, get some wine and call it a night.
How old are you? Most Mature women dont like the idea of a man who is still into partying like a frat kid. Dont let her know your shy, be confident in yourself, a little cocky but not too much, just enough for her to tell that you are very confident in yourself. Bring up conversations where she has room to relate and talk about herself. Trust me, women hate men that constantly talk about themselves, they want to be the center of attention. If she is learning to fly and your an instructor, invite her on a ride and tell her you can teach her a few things. Once done, ask if shes hungry, take her for a nice bite to eat, get some wine and call it a night.

19 sir. I'm not one to go partying, I didn't get ahead in life by partying like a frat kid lol. I am a confident person, I just don't want to come onto her like all the other guys probably have.
19 sir. I'm not one to go partying, I didn't get ahead in life by partying like a frat kid lol. I am a confident person, I just don't want to come onto her like all the other guys probably have.

Be urself..... She don't like u for who u are then, she ain't the one. Being urself and honest is the best way to go!
19 sir. I'm not one to go partying, I didn't get ahead in life by partying like a frat kid lol. I am a confident person, I just don't want to come onto her like all the other guys probably have.

Got ya. Just separate your self from the others buy showing her you both have the same interests. Who knows, she might be hoping and waiting for you to text her to hang out. Girls will not make the first move if they are classy. Ask her to lunch one day. Just ask her if she has plans for lunch and if she would like a quick bite to eat. Its better to get to know her as a friend before letting her know you have feelings for her
As a woman I feel like I should weigh in.

I think the others bring up a few very valid points. Confidence is key. It's the first thing I notice.

If you can get her talking about her interests and make her laugh, you've got a shot.

I think if you gently work into a convo that you're new in town or whatever you might be able to ask her what she's doing for nye and maybe even ask her to do something.
again, it's the New Year, nothing wrong with celebrating or partying. (or not) try my tactic, in a prior post...it's innocent while being a bit cunning without sharing the fact that you maybe alone on new years, which isn't a problem but she may feel sorry for ya...you don't want a woman feeling sorry for you that you've just met. Forget the honesty route for now..what young girl wants to hear "hey I really like you, will you go out with me?" unless you're a hot stud that all the girls just got to have.
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