Weekend outing


New member
Hope this is the right place for this...

We bought our JK two weeks ago and finally got it out on the trail, nothing major just trying to get a feeling for it.

We wanted to do Mosquito Pass but as we were checking out the main building another couple was there and said they already tried to go up and it was covered in snow and ice and impassable. So after hanging out there for a bit we headed south and found a trail called Breakneck Pass, again a somewhat simple trail with a lot of old mine buildings and lots of great views at the top.

Anyway it was a great trip I was glad to be back out on scenic trails vs hard core crawling trails that I've been doing the past few years. I do how ever need to get use to wheeling a rig that is geared for crawling again....I managed to kill it a few times on a few of the hill climbs.

Here's some pics ( since it's the photo section)......










Enjoyed the photos and you've got a nice new ride. I've tried Mosquito in July and had to turn back 'cause of snowpack. :thumb:
Enjoyed the photos and you've got a nice new ride. I've tried Mosquito in July and had to turn back 'cause of snowpack. :thumb:

Ya I've gone up there a few times through out the summer and had to turn back due to snow. But I haven't had a daily driver type rig in quite a few years so I thought this would be the perfect trail to go try and couldn't find any recent trip reports about it so we figured we could at least check out the main building and go from there.

Stunning view!

How cold was it?

Ya the views up there are truly amazing and it was super clear so it made it even better. It was a bit cold I think the Jeep said it was 52* (still not used to the temp feature) as the day went on it got winder because of the cold front moving in today, but it want bad.

My phone was acting up yesterday while trying to upload pics so i'll try to get a few more up today, I got a few good panoramics.

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