NEVER talk to the police!

My head hurts trying to comprehend the dribble coming out of shadow. Reminds me of a looney constitutionalist mixed with a operation wall streeter.


Hey, those guys read something on the internet. It must be true. They even have their law degree from Google University. ;)

Edit to add: the way I was brought up was to be respectful to those around you. A little common decency and respect goes a long way.
Sure, you could do the whole no talking thing to LEOs during a stop and they might bust your balls or write you tickets for vehicle code infractions (hey, it's a Jeep forum... No ones vehicle on here has anything on it that could be cited for an infraction ;)) or you could just say good evening officer, hand them your info, be courteous, and be on your way.... Now what's easier?
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Explain how it is disrespectful? They can run my plates and find out I'm not a criminal. A simple check will show no arrests, 2 tickets, a CHL. The CHL in it self should let them know I'm not a threat to them or others. I also never stop on the highway I put my 4 ways on and exit to a parking lot for both our safety. I have things going through my mind during a stop as well. It is absolutely none of his business where I came from or where I'm going. Although you think it is, so in your world people are guilty until proven innocent? Also during s traffic stop they should be subject to questioning that could get them arrested?

Your comments really don't make sense.

To make an arrest, Probable Cause or a Warrant is required.

I can ask you whatever I want. And I ask what I ask to set a baseline which enables me to determine if you are lying to me.

Running plates may show that the RO is not wanted. That doesn't mean that the driver and occupants are not wanted or that the vehicle hadn't just been stolen.

Not stopping in the highway when you get the cherries and berries is not smart. When I hit the overheads, that's where I want you to stop. I want you to stop where I want you to stop. Not where you want to stop. THIS is for safety and control. If you aren't stopping where I told you to stop, I start thinking you are hiding something and/or ditching something (that's never happened before...), or are intending to do me harm, and that will hurt my feelings. In the case of intoxicated driving suspicion I need you on a flat roadway.

You have things going on in your head? Maybe when you've just come from a call where you have to pick up parts of a 9 year old and have to scrape the pavement and debris to get control tissue to get the BAC of the driver that crossed the median, you'll think differently about DUI checkpoints.
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Your comments really don't make sense.

To make an arrest, Probable Cause or a Warrant is required.

I can ask you whatever I want. And I ask what I ask to set a baseline which enables me to determine if you are lying to me.

Running plates may show that the RO is not wanted. That doesn't mean that the driver and occupants are not wanted or that the vehicle hadn't just been stolen.

Not stopping in the highway when you get the cherries and berries is not smart. When I hit the overheads, that's where I want you to stop. I want you to stop where I want you to stop. Not where you want to stop. THIS is for safety and control. If you aren't stopping where I told you to stop, I start thinking you are hiding something and/or ditching something (that's never happened before...), or are intending to do me harm, and that will hurt my feelings. In the case of intoxicated driving suspicion I need you on a flat roadway.

You have things going on in your head? Maybe when you've just come from a call where you have to pick up parts of a 9 year old and have to scrape the pavement and debris to get control tissue to get the BAC of the driver that crossed the median, you'll think differently about DUI checkpoints.

You welcome to ask me whatever the hell you want. I can't stop you from asking me questions but I can choose not to answer them and that is my right. It doesn't matter who, what, where, when and why and it's none of your business unless I decide that it is your business.

If you ever pull me over and someone else is in my car I'll shift with my eyes repeatedly in his direction so you know something is wrong. I wouldn't be like "HEY THE GUY IN THE BACK ISNT SUPPOSED TO WITH ME" as that would escalate the situation quickly. I don't for see that issue in my future though but hey ya never know.

When you flip the lights on me its not your choice where I pull over. If I put my 4 ways on so you know I see you, then I proceed to parking lot ( to many people have been killed sitting in there car on the highway) you can be all kinds of mad and I honestly do not care. Why? Because a parking lot if far safer than on the highway for both me and you. If not then why is officers want to come to the passenger side when others stop on the highway?

I spent two and half years as a fire fighter. So I've seen what you have and done what you have. I just decided that it wasn't for me and I returned to school to do something else. Which I'll be completing in 14 months after 11years of school and work.
You welcome to ask me whatever the hell you want. I can't stop you from asking me questions but I can choose not to answer them and that is my right. It doesn't matter who, what, where, when and why and it's none of your business unless I decide that it is your business.

If you ever pull me over and someone else is in my car I'll shift with my eyes repeatedly in his direction so you know something is wrong. I wouldn't be like "HEY THE GUY IN THE BACK ISNT SUPPOSED TO WITH ME" as that would escalate the situation quickly. I don't for see that issue in my future though but hey ya never know.

When you flip the lights on me its not your choice where I pull over. If I put my 4 ways on so you know I see you, then I proceed to parking lot ( to many people have been killed sitting in there car on the highway) you can be all kinds of mad and I honestly do not care. Why? Because a parking lot if far safer than on the highway for both me and you. If not then why is officers want to come to the passenger side when others stop on the highway?

I spent two and half years as a fire fighter. So I've seen what you have and done what you have. I just decided that it wasn't for me and I returned to school to do something else. Which I'll be completing in 14 months after 11years of school and work.

You really are clueless.

Hey, those guys read something on the internet. It must be true. They even have their law degree from Google University. ;)

Edit to add: the way I was brought up was to be respectful to those around you. A little common decency and respect goes a long way.
Sure, you could do the whole no talking thing to LEOs during a stop and they might bust your balls or write you tickets for vehicle code infractions (hey, it's a Jeep forum... No ones vehicle on here has anything on it that could be cited for an infraction ;)) or you could just say good evening officer, hand them your info, be courteous, and be on your way.... Now what's easier?

who said i don't say good evening officer? Since when was it rude to politely respond thats not of your concern? hell when did it become rude to not answer a question when you don't know the guy asking a personal question?

you can be respectful and refuse to do something. I do not sit there and say "am i being detained" I'm respectful in saying no
who said i don't say good evening officer? Since when was it rude to politely respond thats not of your concern? hell when did it become rude to not answer a question when you don't know the guy asking a personal question?

you can be respectful and refuse to do something. I do not sit there and say "am i being detained" I'm respectful in saying no

Well I said with all due respect.
Because a parking lot if far safer than on the highway for both me and you. If not then why is officers want to come to the passenger side when others stop on the highway?

I spent two and half years as a fire fighter. So I've seen what you have and done what you have.

So being a firefighter for 2.5 years means you've done the work of a police officer? This actually explains alot.

I have a feeling you didn't "decide" to do something else. :crazyeyes:
Say no more. This all makes sense now. You've been there done that. In a completely different field.

I don't understand why bakers use so much flour. I mean, I was a mechanic for years and i know they should use less flour!!
Vehicle could be in both names or several other conditions.

You seriously can't be THIS stupid with all the lame as responses you are giving. You ask HOW you are disrespectful. :thinking: Or somehow a CHL means something other than you have a clean record. EVERY criminal has a clean record...until they don't. EVERY time a LEO pulls someone over or answers a call could be a life and death moment. If THIS isn't something you can comprehend, then I pray no LEO ever risks their life for you, your family or anyone you care about. You are not worth the keyboard you're typing on, let alone someone's life. :grayno:

Every criminal has a clean record... until they don't? so guilty until you die now?

I pray.... I pray you learn what praying is all about before you die. it might just help you later on
They can run my plates and find out I'm not a criminal. A simple check will show no arrests, 2 tickets, a CHL. The CHL in it self should let them know I'm not a threat to them or others. ?

Running plates provides information on the vehicle, and very seldom, if nearly at all, no information on the individual driving the vehicle. And the fact that an individual has had no history of being a threat doesn't always mean they can't be a threat tomorrow.

SCOTUS recognized that traffic stops are inherently dangerous, therefore authorizing officers to order that the driver exit the vehicle on even the most routine stops.

According to FBI statistics, more officers are killed or injured annually during the course of a traffic stop than at any other time excluding vehicle accidents and effecting arrests.

America has a relatively higher homicide rate compared to other developed nations, and has many more guns per capita as noted by The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) “2011 Global Study on Homicide.”

I could go on and on. Police are granted specific rulings to protect them. It's up to the individual how he would like to proceed!
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So being a firefighter for 2.5 years means you've done the work of a police officer? This actually explains alot.

I have a feeling you didn't "decide" to do something else. :crazyeyes:

I actually decided after holding a little 4 year old girls head together so her mother wouldn't freak out while we attempted to get her out of her over turned car. The.... oh i don't hour or two i was holding her head together pretending to talk to her about the doll she still had clinched in her hand was all of the convincing I needed. I didn't get fired i just decided id rather see people i can potentially help than the ones that are DOA

It means I've seen the dead bodies I've picked up piece (what he was talking about) i simply said i have dome what you have in regards to picking up dead bodies
I actually decided after holding a little 4 year old girls head together so her mother wouldn't freak out while we attempted to get her out of her over turned car. The.... oh i don't hour or two i was holding her head together pretending to talk to her about the doll she still had clinched in her hand was all of the convincing I needed. I didn't get fired i just decided id rather see people i can potentially help than the ones that are DOA

It means I've seen the dead bodies I've picked up piece (what he was talking about) i simply said i have dome what you have in regards to picking up dead bodies

No you said you were a firefighter and have done what cops did. You said nothing about dead bodies in your other post.
Running plates provides information on the vehicle, and very seldom, if nearly at all, no information on the individual driving the vehicle.

I try to avoid these un-winnable e-wars (unless I'm bored), but this is a great point. In fact, you could say this actually creates greater risk for the officer. Take for example if Mr. Fire Marshal Bill's car was stolen by a violent and armed criminal. If pulled over the officer, according to Capt'n Smokey, should run his plates and know that he is of no threat to him. So arguably having the license plate linked to his CFL (or whatever the fuck he has) actually increases the risk to police.

Honestly this shit is so stupid it's hard to read. :crazyeyes:
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