BrankZ thread

Brankz challenge

So all of you know I sold my 2 door jk
I saw in the dealers website they offer it for sale for around 17k
Now I can't find it.

Here's the challenge

Let's see if any one can find my 2 door jeep


2 door black jk 2008

Was sold in San Diego California
All decals are on the jeep

The first person that can find it will win a new wayalife shirt ( I will buy it and ship it)

Why I like to know?
Just curious and I think will be fun to know who's the new owner

Hopefully I'm not braking any rules here

By the way I'm doing this challenge no Eddie or Cindy
So all the hate go to me 😘

Again sorry if I brake any rule
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why are you posting the vin number? any why do you post more pictures of your old jeep than your new one? time to let it go already..
Brankz challenge

I was at the Port of San Diego today and I think I saw it being loaded onto a ship headed for Peru. LOL! ;)
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