Jeepin with mans best friend


Caught the Bug
I just wanted to see what everyone's thoughts on jeepin with ours dogs. Is it safe without a harness or should we have them strapped down. I thought I read somewhere that someone makes a harness for jeeps. This is Charlie, my sons 10 birthday present and we are going to EJS at rausch creek and want to keep him safe.

I would have a harness just in case. There are some states that made it illegal to have dogs in the backs of trucks. We are different, (being in jeeps) but if you just so happen to pass that officer thats having a bad day, he may stop you. Personally, I prefer a harness regardless. My dogs always got way excited and run a round the bed, barkin and carrying on. Roscoe actually fell over and out. We werent going fast so he was more shocked than anything.

Paratroopers stay up longer!
I like the harness idea, we have one, I need training how to put it on right. My dog loves Jeeping! ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1361847907.629850.jpg

'11 Mango Tango Unlimited.
American by Birth, Veteran so my family lives free.
Ha ha!! A smiling dog and you are rockin xmas lights too! Too funny!!

Paratroopers stay up longer!

We have a Labradoodle. Ok, I CAN'T STaND POODLES. That being said. jack is one of the best dogs I have ever had. My daughter crawls on him, sits on him and he keeps smiling.

I rock the Christmas lights year round. Regular during Christmas Season and then REd White and Blue Memorial thru Labor Day. Orange at Halloween. Having a 7 year old lets me do more of the fun things.........ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1361886371.220971.jpg

'11 Mango Tango Unlimited.
American by Birth, Veteran so my family lives free.
Everytime my friend wheels.. he takes his dog.... funniest thing you'll ever see! :yup:


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