What not to say to a pregnant woman

Started installing new JKS quick discos last night, removed the old and had to stop for some family time. Wife wakes me up around 5 this morning to tell me she's started contracting. This isn't our first so I wasn't freaking. Instead I calmly sit up, get out of bed and get dressed. Wife looks at me a bit puzzled and asks what I'm doing, and I reply with "there isn't much time, must finish jeep". Probably not the best response to a pregnant woman, but she's a good sport 😁
I also learned if you in the hospital and she is having contractions... And your hungry don't eat anything crunchy like I did... Being the good supportive husband when she would be having a contraction I'd be there to support or hold counter pressure.. Well I got hungry and was eating cookies and she started having a contraction so I quickly shove the entire cookie in my mouth knowing it would be a few minutes before I could indulge in its yummy goodness again.. And with the room dead silent just her and I pacing the room she has this contraction but I have this cookie in my mouth and couldn't talk with it so I began to slowly eat it as I didn't want to break her concentration and breathing long story short the crunching of the cookie wasn't so quite and my wife quickly ripped me a new one and told me to shut the hell up lol so me being the smart ass and still not finished chewing my cookie began chomping it with hopes the contraction would be over soon... Sorry for the long story but it was my funniest experience and she still don't remember telling me that [emoji23]
It's been just over 20 yrs now so I should be safe with this one...second child...wife being induced due to blood pressure....day 3 in labor and delivery room.....rooms surround nursing station....wife napping and I am bored....standing in doorway talking to nurse when wife wakes up.....my mother had worked in this hospital in L&D for 35 yrs and I worked in hospital while going to University so lots of reasons to know staff....wife wakes up I return to her side..."Who ya talking to?" Asked my wife .....young and no thinking...."An old girlfriend" I say.......WRONG ANSWER!!!!
It's been just over 20 yrs now so I should be safe with this one...second child...wife being induced due to blood pressure....day 3 in labor and delivery room.....rooms surround nursing station....wife napping and I am bored....standing in doorway talking to nurse when wife wakes up.....my mother had worked in this hospital in L&D for 35 yrs and I worked in hospital while going to University so lots of reasons to know staff....wife wakes up I return to her side..."Who ya talking to?" Asked my wife .....young and no thinking...."An old girlfriend" I say.......WRONG ANSWER!!!!

Hahaha..how long after that statement until your newborn was shot across the room?
24 hours.......but my quick step out of range was immediate...followed by all kind of apologizing :cheesy:
Haha all great stories. On our second my wife asked for ice chips. She had already been in labor for 24 hours which meant I hadn't slept in the same amount of time. The great guy that I am returns not with ice chips, but potato chips. She threw them across the room and gave me an ear full lol.
I saw this thread this morning and thought it was hilarious because my first child was due after the first of June. I do now have something to add here. "Sorry honey, I can't get a flight from St. Louis to home until tomorrow morning". She went into labor early and I'm fucking stuck here and am going to miss the birth of my first child. I feel like a complete asshole. Hopefully nobody here has to say those words.
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